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When I've been doing these the last few times I've been trying to focus more on learning and understanding the figure - in particular the joints.

I realised when I started doing these that I had stopped learning in a sense. I was so set in my ways - I draw legs like this etc and while I varied them they were at times more of a caricature than how it actually looked.

The thing is - the longer you draw something without actually looking at it you will probably start to draw it the same every time, generalise how muscles look. Thats what I found for myself anyway.

So I've been using these to relearn the body in a sense. Theres certain models that are really amazing and have already affected how i draw since I started doing it.

Especially the black muscular man - he is so great because he's BUFF but he also it soft at times. 

I dont think we should ever stop learning



Ellay Gee

I love the shy feet!!


... in reality they were hairy and kind of gross. I was like... why didn't i realise the feel would be ugly

Ellay Gee

Lol well thank you for taking artistic license with them!