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"I was just trying to help" 


yess you can tell like for all that prom ran into the danger

he's been knocked back by the force of the bullets


into gladio

thats exactly what i was going for

gladio probably saw him moving in his peripheral so was turning to be like

'whats wrong with you?? got the zoomies??'

and the way he turns stops where it was going for his heart

And then Ellay's words for pic 2

"I was just trying to help"

omg i shouldnt be laughing

but like

gladio whippin his shirt off to put pressure

'a...any excuse'


'I need you to - to hold here, I cant, I dont...'

have enough hands


omfg YES

i love the image of prom still trying to make a joke, to play his role of lightening the mood 


'i liked this shirt'


and honestly, that would both cause relief and further guilt for gladio i think 


<3 yes minu

He would be like 'i'll buy you 10'

'O-only need 7, I do laundry sssunday'


i love that prom has almost like a peaceful detachment 

which I think would be scary as hell for Gladio because it's like 

it this bleeding out about to die peaceful, or


proms a dumbass peaceful

'Hey Gladio?''


'This kind of sucks...'

'It really fucking does but help will be here soon'

He's probably lucky in a sense that it happened to Gladio - he has no self preservation - he would have done it for a stranger in the street

At least with Gladios status help will be on double time

Theres not potions in the armiger

Thats not going to happen ever again

I just had this image of Gladio whipping all the money out of his wallet and giving it to someone standing nearby and asking them to go buy one

And they just take the money and dont come back

He'd be so angry

how could someone stoop so low

Holding on the shoulder with his right hand, repeatedly having to move proms back to where its supposed ot be pressing

Looking around for the guy to see if he's coming back

When he realises he's taken the money

I feel like as hopeful as he's trying ot be some of it would burn out then

the potion would have bought them time

He hears sirens at last

Proms not making a lot of sense, but at least he's awake

He's trying to ignore the red he can see on his teeth

I figure it's not just medics that arrive

Cors probably with them - this was an attempted assassination on the Prince's shield

After they take Prompto Cor is like 'Are you able to talk while its fresh?'

'I-I didnt see anything'

He goes to stand and doesnt quite make it all the way up

Which is the point where Cor realises thats not Promptos blood, Gladios been shot too

They get him into an ambulance too. Proms the only person who has answers right now but maybe they can secure some CCTV footage from the area

Poor Cor, yet another of them having a really bad day

Imagine them replaying it, seeing Proms head snap to the side and he's moving

Gladio turning to him, the realisation of how dire it would have been if Prompto hadnt reacted

Gladio is probably released pretty quickly

Given a sling, he probably doesnt leave the hospital until Noct and Ignis arrive

Noct giving him a hug

Which is a surprise to both of them

'We heard what happened. Are you...?'

'*I'm* fine, can you take over here I want to go check in with the Marshall'

'Gladio you should be resting'

'I'll rest when I'm dead'

Ignis rolls his eyes but lets him go

Its not worth arguing over after all he's been through

Gladio probably also want the thief found

He wants to look at the CCTV and be like 'Him. Find out who he is.' 

Cor would be murderous too when he hears why. What kind of morals could someone have to do something like that to a person who is potentially dying

I imagine Prom is a close call but pulls through

flatlines on the operating table but they get him back

'He's a fighter' (they dont even know 8D)

Prom would probably be able to point to the building where he saw the glare

The find shells there

Now the hunt begins

I also imagined this to be pre roadtrip so imagine the headlines

A niff saving the royal shield

Also the fact that someone had gotten into Insomnia with guns

I do feel like it was intended to point blame towards Niflheim with the choice of weapon

But its a lucian

Maybe it was someone on the inside

Like, they were ready for Gladio to go by there

So someone has paid off someone in the citadel or it IS someone in the citadel



Them coming to try and finish Prom off

What if he knows the people who have been practicing weapons and using guns

Once he hears the type of gun used he'll make the connection

But maybe the guy doesn't realise Prom has already been asked and has very carefully mentioned the soldier

He probably overheard Gladio and Prom making plans


Cor et all are following up on his suggestion and they see all kinds of ties to malicious organisations

And lets just say Insomnia has some sort of facial rec tech, they run it and it pings a camera at the hospital

Prom probably plays dumb when he comes into the room

To buy himself time

He's calling Cor under the blankets

This guy cant just shoot him of course, he has to make it look like Proms injuries got the best of him

Proms like 'D; no card?'

I love how even injured and in the face of such a threat, Prom remains cool

hes probably pumped full of drugs

Very chill

Throws the guy off

Maybe he even strikes up a conversation with Prompto to keep the act up

'Heard you saved Amicitias life - you'll probably get a medal'

Proms like 'Gods I hope not'

'Why did you do it Prompto?'

and by this point the guards have arrived with Gladio and Cor

Theyre outside the door ready to burst in 

'He's my friend, can I ask you a question?'


'Why did YOU do it?'

Gladios like fuck saaaake, he couldnt have just kept pretending

'Ah, you did know it was me'

The guy picks up a spare pillow

He knows Prom wont call for help - he woundnt endanger the staff

He'll be on his back on the floor the second he steps closer the bed

Prom pushes himself up a bit in the bed to look over the edge

Gladio is nursing his knuckles

Thats felt good

Its drawn attention to their background checks they do on recruits or rather the fact that they dont continually monitor their soldiers

Because this guy was probably not corrupt when he first joined but then he turned radical

So yes Prom nearly had to die for it but some very positive changes were made

And much to his dismay he DOES get a medal


And he recouperates at Noctis' with Ignis making sure he's well fed

Gladio true to his word does buy him 7 tees

Prom laughs so hard he hurts himself



Ellay Gee

Oh man I passed tf outttt. Had to hurry to see the finished piece 💚💚 it turned out so good! And by good, I mean ill be emotionally wrecked for days.


I figured xD at least it was here waiting for you with most of my typos edited out 8D


Just me over here still thinking about this but like- I like to take city photos so what if that's what Prom was doing when he noticed the shooter? What if Prom's hobby is the only reason Gladi didn't die? What if Prom has literal evidence captured on his camera? (Probably wouldn't have caught the guys face of course buuuuuut they would have been able to check that building out super fast-)


That last one hit me right in the feels. 😩😆 So good!


I kinda actually wanna see some defibrillator action on Prompto while the rest just watch the medics do their job


Thank you so much!