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So I felt like doing 2 versions of this - just a tiny change that makes a big difference.

In the Noctis version I definitely feel like it's some kind of mind control - like a switch has been flipped and suddenly it's not prompto at all. Like maybe there's a trigger phrase and some Niflheim ambassador was there and saw his chance

Such a flawless plan because nobody would realise such an innocuous phrase would be a trigger - also they probably wouldnt even consider a trigger.

Except that this is Prompto and once they got over the initial shock and hurt they realise they didnt see anything of their friend when the attack happened. Like - his face went slack and he was pulling a dagger from the armiger. I feel by this point a potion has already been used on Noctis but he is literally and figuratively floored.

Imagine them replaying the video while they're near Prom's cell and its loud enough for him to hear and when the phrase is said again he goes nuts and theyre like 'It's something in the video!!'

Maybe as Prompto was walking by the ambassador he said whatever the counter phrase was so Prom's just like 'wha-whats going on??'

Anyway - they find out. The ambassador is found out and now they realise there is this thing with Prompto so they have to run tons of tests on him which is massively triggering all things considered

He's also horrified by what happened and his loss of control. He's probably watched the video and he can't understand how Noctis isn't holding any grudges.

Maybe it's as simple as some kind of chip and theyre able to remove it - or fry it or something. Lots of aftercare for Prompto.


In the second option it's a clone of Promto which again - not a great scenario for Prompto.

At first they probably assume it's some kind of disguise and mask but when they realise he's identical to Prompto it becomes much more serious. Imagine a lot of 'So uh...do you by any chance have an evil twin you never told us about?'

And while they have complete faith in Prompto himself - there's suddenly the danger that these clones could infiltrate their party and they potentially wouldn't know until it was too late.

If it was pre roadtrip there would probably be a lot of pressure put on Noctis and co to remove Prom from their lives. And the sad thing is Ignis and Gladio can see the rationale behind this but still they kinda like the kid so some other kind of option would be better.

Which would lead to some kind of secret code?? Some kind of modification taht only they know about that is kept as a secret - something so small that even if theyt were being attacked by clones they wouldnt notice it to replicate it but the boys know to look for it??

Or he keeps changing things so no clone could hope to keep up with it. 

Either way they're not dumping Prompto.

Also, how mentally damaging would it be for them to continuously have to kill 'Prompto' even if they know it's not him. I definitely think Noctis would have nightmares where he would dream he accidentally killed the real Prompto and comfort has to happen.



Heidi Pogner-Schultz

Oh wait, Noct. Okay, I think this is the same. This guy just said "Noct."

Heidi Pogner-Schultz

Pfffft ... no such thing as AU or head canon. Everything's canon! It's not our fault the original storytellers did it wrong! We're right and they're wrong and I'll challenge anyone to a round of fisticuffs who says otherwise 🤼