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i was saying to g9 the other night that i saw this like

There was some big showy Crowsnguard parade and Prom didn't show up

so it was like a big black mark on his committment

So they're all pissed

Like it wasnt even a huge thing, they just had to march in uniform

So Noct and Ignis show up, all righteous anger

And Prom's like 'oh hi'

He figured this wasnt exactly a look that they would want in their parade

Make up can only do so much

And like, Ignis being all 'uh...you should still have called in ot let us know'

'Has a doctor seen your injuries?'

Prom is like 'Do you not know me at all lol??'

'Of course...'

They're just so thrown off because Noct was stomping up to the door

Now theyre like '....should we call an ambulance????

Proms like 'Nah dude I got it, theyre fine'

Asks them if they want to come in because its kinda hurting ot stay standing


time noct to turn that anger towards whoever did this


When they get in it;s clear he's been sleeping on the couch



Ignis is like 'While I'm sure you did treat the injuries - I would like to see them for myself'

Proms like 'tell me how you really feel Iggy - or are you just trying ot get me out of my clothes?'

'How....many painkillers have you taken?'

Too many as it turns out

so now theyre like 'WELL lucky Gladio isnt here

and he would have been doing that IM EXTRA MAD because i was angry at you and youre a pathetic puppy



Carla Rivera

this is incredible, like WOW I love Iggy's expression so much 🤩🤩🤩


He's not used to being caught by surprise. It goes against his nature xD Thank you


Noo, who would've done that to him though in this scenario? Is it bullies or is the couch implying his parents did that to him 😲


In this instance i saw it as like a mugging - like he lives in a bag area and it's always a chance it will happen on his way home. Maybe this is the first time the others have come to his house. He was always going to noctis' or meeting him somewhere sho they didn't realise where he lives