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So the top right was the first image I drew but I initially had more of the left hand side image in my mind when I started but it just did its own thing as sketches are want to do sometimes (most of the time for me)

It didnt have the feeling of danger that I had wanted. When you look at the finished drawing as well I changed the position of Gladio's leg mostly because what's in the sketch would have concealed a lot and wasn't as aesthetically pleasing to me.

I coloured the nsfw pic because it distinguished the bodies better - not that you couldn't tell but it made it easier to see. 

I've attached the SAI docs for this and the jungkook pic if you want to have a look at the layers

Also if you look at the left hand side image, in the SAI doc you can see that once I had the line for the top one done I copied it and used the transform tool to rotate parts of prompto. It is not cheating to use the tools you have available to you - it is resourceful and time saving. Saved me spending time on the Coeurl head - I redrew it but honestly I could have easily just reused it. It also means you don't spend as much time figuring everything out. 

Why make your life difficult when it can be simplified. The tradition method of doing this would be using a lightbox. Tools make us more productive!!



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