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well so imagine Prompto being totally set up

So he and Noct are in the arcade playing a game of airhockey

and the glaives burst in

Slam Prompto down and cuffinf him

Noct is livid

'what is the meaning of this?!?!'

But theres all this evidence

Linking prompto to some sort of treasonous act

And its very compelling

Gladio and Ignis are 100% behind the proof

Noct does not want to believe it

but it's full on prints, dna evidence

seems irrefutable

Everyone is like 'Noct get your head out of your ass, its clear as day'




Omggggggg LEAVE THE BABY ALOOOOOONEEEE!!! (இ﹏இ`。) He must get such a terrible bruise on his face from the slam. Nooooo Iggy and Gladdy-- why do you always doubt THE CINNAMON ROLL for fucks sake T AAAT I LOVE how Noct is always on Prom's side no matter what the deal in your stories. He is such a loyal <strike>best</strike> BOYFRAND. Prom must be scared of his wits, and I bet his parents are no help. I saw Squid's ^ idea up there and tha's brilliant. AUUGHH NOCT FIND A WAY TO FIX THIS


This is not okay. I'm not okay. Somebody save him! He's too pure to die like this.