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Amateur photographer Prompto Argentum...at your service

and by amateur he means, a minor and too young to be working

So is using a fake bank account

So that he has money for food when he sells photos to papers

or more often than not, to trashy mags

Ignis is not pleased

He's a niff so the first assumption is spying

So Noctis is like - 'he has to be the same age as me...'

'whats the worst he could be doing??'

Ignis is like 'those are going ot be spectacular famous last words'

So Nocts like, well lets see what he was taking photos of and go from there

'You, dont move.'

And theres a gala happening

and Prom has sneaked in

grazed his knees and elbows in his efforts

And his camera is full of ...really flattering shots of Noct

A beautiful candid of Noct laughing

And Ignis is like

: [

'Well these are rather good'

They get to the start

and theres all these macro shots of food

and photos of animals

Ignis is all - while these don't seem dangerous, you're still breaking and entering oh and trespassing sooooo


I figure he just spills every secret he has as soon as the person interrogating him sits down

they end up calling his parents to collect him

Which considering they werent IN Insomnia at the time

They are not pleased

His little business is illegal, so it's shut down

I'm kind of imagining them running into him months later

and he's not in a good way

And he's like 'lol yeah, what did you expect??'

He scowls at Ignis, it of course falters in the face of Nocts concern



Carla Rivera

looking at your older posts to pass the time, but honestly i'd imagine Prom not being upset/bitter with them for shutting down his little business?? he'd just be like "yeah ran my luck out thinking that could last, it's been hard finding a job/getting money otherwise... but i'll figure something out !!" bc i mean he never meant to be harmful like paparazzi with the photos right, and it'd be more of a sucker punch for ignis and noct if he's not even mad about it when they think any other person would be.... that's just me tho, i love this a lot :D