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I was thinking about both scenarios while I was drawing this and the difference it made for the second picture despite it being the same one pasted across.

Pic 1.

I was thinking it was more than likely crownsguard recruits but alternately it could be students in his school but the intent is still the same. He's being bullied.

As for why he's sleeping in the locker room.


Either way - nothing good is going to come out of this encounter.

Pic 2.

I feel like it could be the same reasons as above  with the addition of the bullying. 

I kind of imagined the hair that was hanging over prompto's face in this scenario was potentially hiding a black eye.

The bros have been looking for him for quite a while so in this situation there's relief. Ignis doesn't want them to spook Prompto. He's also waiting to hear Prompto's side before he decides if he's annoyed or not over the time they've spent searching.




I love both of these so much and the contrast of expressions between Prompto’s classmate’s cruel smirk and Ignis’s much more gentle shush. Also like the outline of little worried!Noctis behind him is precious.


ooof poor prom ;; I love his posing in these and its amazing how you change the context in the joined pic and it completely changes the feel of his pic. very impressive!


Lol I couldnt leave Noct out, or rather he wouldnt stay away! Thanks so much Ava!


Awww thank you! Yeah I really enjoy playing with stuff like this. <3