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Hi guys, I decided to (like it was a choice) to get totally anxious over social media. Like heart racing stress. But sometimes you just have to push through it.

I'm back and will doubletime for a bit to catch back up.

Okay so! This pic.

My baby at home had an overnight stay at the vets - they thought she'd been hit by a car but it turned out she had been bit by an animal and it had gotten badly infected. So they had to drain it and now she's on the mend and VERY peeved at us.

She's an outdoor cat and has to be kept indoors for 2 weeks which she already hates.

She's okay tho! And it inspired kitty Noct in the cone of shame!




I love kitty Noct and Prom, they’re my fav, and that second pic of Noct is hilarious! (Only made funnier by the Ignis and Gladio comments, haha!) On another note, I’m glad to see you back! I was a bit worried when you went for so long without posting but I can totally understand social media anxiety (had my fair share of it too). Hopefully some time away from it helped in the long run but yeah, that jump back in to things can be intense. Super glad to see you back though :)


sending u lots of good thoughts!! your health and happiness come first! and I hope your kitty feels better too ;; akskdkkd noct kitty’s face is so hilarious and the cone against the ground ahahah amazing!! thank u for sharing 💛🌻