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he'll use the same needle after to stitch up his trousers


knowing him he's going to push and walk on it and will be lucky if he doesn't pop the stictches T.T


with the way they run across plains

Gladio calling him lazy and slow

which is just because he's a grump from the heat

Prom is the best runner of them

His dodging reflexes probably arent the best

Imagine if

He fucked up a link strike

because he didnt get in position in time

Noct doesnt get hurt

but he could easily have

He jokes about Prom leaving him hanging, not cool bro

Gladio and Ignis do not joke

Imagine them in not too hushed voices telling Noct not to link with Prom for a while

Stick to Gladio and Ignis

8D maybe oen of them is getting infected from the sweat and dirt

Ignis is cleaning the regalia and theres some stain on the seat that he has to scrub away

him being like

'Can everyone please check for dirt before getting in the regalia...'

Theyre all like 'check my ass, nothing, okay'

Its not really visible, its the pooling when he sits in the regalia for a long time

Maybe Ignis has been using dark cloths to polish

But this time its a white one

and rusty red shows up clear

He was ready to chew Prompto out seeing as its clearly been him

maybe he's snacking and dropping it

messy eater

He spends the evening watching Prompto

theres no sign

that theres and injury

But he's got to be cleaning it. So he's just been covering up the mess in the bathroom trashcan

Ignis finds it and he's like :T

Maybe he thinks with how little Proms reacting that it isnt so severe

But thats a lot of medical waste in the bathroom

And Prompto has been a bit fussy about his washing

Lol theyre all chatting that night

and Proms rambling away and Ignis is like

'Hows the injury?'

'Yeah fine'



Gladio is all blah blah....wait....injury??'

Noct just sits straight up in bed


'ahh ha haaaaa nothing big'

Nervous laugh

'Then you won't mind showing us'

Ignis has been cleaning that stain for a while

Probably a little mad at himself that he didnt realise sooner what it really was

they see plenty of blood



Theresa Finnegan

oh ouch. this was angsty. I love it though just like I love all the artwork you post. <3 Keep up the amazing work. <3

Virginia B

wearing stitched up pants over a fresh injury like that, unless he bandages it really well it's gonna irritate the cuts and slow the healing 😢💔 his expression is so focused and just beautifully angsty

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-12 19:01:28 Yay some new posts ! Today is my birthday so I'm even happier to see them <3 Thank you so much for your works
2019-02-24 09:00:10 Yay some new posts ! Today is my birthday so I'm even happier to see them <3 Thank you so much for your works

Yay some new posts ! Today is my birthday so I'm even happier to see them <3 Thank you so much for your works