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SO, I was thinking.

Imagine some burglars keeping watch on a neighbourhood and they spot one house that doesn't seem to have anyone come and go aside from some young kid

So they knock on the door and when Prompto opens it they slam it back in his face and he's sent sprawling. The rough him up but it's more intimidation than anything, Slapping him around a bit, they mostly want to frighten him. Toss him on the couch and tell him to stay there. One keeps watch on him while the others ravage the house.

Prompto just sits there in shock - he'll be embarrassed later at how he didn't fight back but he's only a baby. Watching them but darting his gaze away whenever they look at him.

I figure his friendship with Noctis is still quite new - Imagine them finding pictures of Noctis on Prompto's wall.

Would they be angry - what if Prompto reports them - he seemed like some harmless kid but he might actually have some bumph behind him. Would they see an opportunity?

Maybe they don't find anything and just leave with anything of value in the house and Prompto's left to his terror - how can you be comfortable living alone after something like that? Does he tell Noctis? Maybe he makes excuses to stay over at Noctis' for a few nights??

So many options 8D



Mama Val

Oh poor bab. He looks pissed and scared and powerless all at once

Sam Citrine

I want to hug him. Can I hug him?


Poor prom!! I love the story that goes with. They would def take advantage seeing as prom lived mostly alone

Laura Nievas

Hnnnngh this hurts to read ur need to draw and write angst hurts my heart but heals my soul. Can I just say I really love these little thinkers u put under some of ur art. I love anything with a story and the short paragraphs you put under them always make my day. Thanks for this even if it is a stab to the chest


Thanks Val - I kind of imagined him approaching Gladio after this for soem self defense kind of secretively - like he doesnt want to say why but he wants to not be scared any more


Yessss, you know someone would notice that he was all by himself


Aww thanks so much Laura - it's like a bit fo a stream of consciousness - I'm usually thinking of these things as I draw it. I'm glad you like the angst as much as I do.