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The print quality on these was super - You know when you add something thinking it wont appear but...youre adding it anyway?? The red around Proms eyes is visible!

I need to go through and count them up to see how many I have left of each and then my Tier 4 and 5 get to choose their baby if they haven't already. I know I only have 4 Connors left.

For anyone else interested in buying them - your discount will reflect your tier to a degree

Tier 1 and 2 will be 10%

Tier 3 will be 15%

Tier 4 will be 20%

Tier 5 will be 30%

(I considered having it be 5, 7, 10 but I'd rather round it up)




They all look so cuute!! I'd definitely buy Billy and Noctis for sure 😍


They really do look so so good. I'm so going to wind up buying all four chocobros...I mean...you can split them up...>.>


Is there an online store link I’m missing? Is love to buy a Prompto and Noctis!


Is your convention done then?? Cause id love Prompto and Aranea <3333


are there gonna be prices put up sometime? i'm excited!! <3


They're so adorable!! I'm sorry the company was such a butt to work with, but the quality is awesome, they all look fantastic! <3


Awww Lulu...I feel like I might not have enough Billy's hahaha I ordered him because *I* wanted him.


Hahahaha! That would be cruel but like ...you could pretend it was during an episode XD - Gladio's off with Cor


Not yet Twilling, I haven't counted what I have leftover from the con yet. I will be sorting them out very soon! Thank you! ♥


Yesss, I'm so glad it's over and aside from losing my voice I thiiink I avoided conflu. It was loads of fun tho. I'm on the fence about doing it through tictail or paypal invoicing but i should have an answer for you guys asap. I slept all of monday and I mind a kid on tues XD Tomorrow will be my first full day to myself.


Awww Thank you!! Yes- I havent settled on it yet but 10$ seems to be kind of a standard for these kind of things but I want to look around and see before I set a price (It wont be higher than that tho)


Yeessss and to give them their dues where its owed - the quality is beautiful and they provided Next day delivery out of their own pocket so I'm going to wait and see. They're revising their prices and turnaround times - if they both go up I will have to look elsewhere but if not I feel kind of like they looked after me as a customer??


When you find out, will you let us know? One of my zines is looking into merch like keychains and if this is a good company to work with, I'd wanna let the art lead know. :)


If you do have leftovers sending you money so fast if not I'm happy he's going to good homes and that people are hyped about Young Avengers again 😁


I haven't had internet for like 3 weeks cause I just moved and it's been an ORDEAL. But!!! I finally got internet and catching up on all the gorgeous drawings I've missed is wonderfullll. These keychains are gorgeous and I'm glad you seem to be feeling a bit better (??)

Shin Dee

I, too, haven't been online recently, but I am extremely interested in purchasing a Connor/Hank duo if you have any left.


You automatically get one anyway Shin, I'm sending one to my T4 & 5 as a gift!


OMG me tooo, like - I just really wanted a Billy keychain for my bag XD But with the news about a new comic next year!? I'm dying XD - Cris sent me a message right away to tell me haha.


They're a bit on the pricier side - you can definitely get cheaper but like that I'll try Zap too maybe and see how they are for quality tho somoene mentioned at the con that their turnaround is a bit incnsistant despite the website saying 7 to 10 working days. They also have a side site that does enamel pins. I WANT TO MAKE ALL THE THINGS


Drai screenshot the old prices on Acorn so we could check over them when they revise


Awwww Ind, I've missed you!! I hope you're doign okay - moving is so stressful!

Asidian Morris

Oooh. I'll have to keep an eye out for when these go on sale. If you have any left, I definitely want to pick some up. :>

Lana Rosenthal

Ardynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn <3


Oh my gosh...I cannot wait to try and snag these...


They all came out so lovely 💕💕