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Whoop, commissions done and managed a page! Will share some when their owners have seen them!


Oooh shit, PROM, that night was even worse than we knew...oh but this makes Iggy being harsh when he came to get him that much worse. Prom just needed even a spot of kindness so much in that moment T.T Also the trembling in the first panel....mmmm...gets me every time ^_- love it!


I still wonder if Ignis even knew what the charge was beyond “shoplifting” because uh, Prom sure as fuck didn’t deserve that 😭 Man, Prompto is just not getting it easy


Oh gosh poor prom... This was such a terrible night for him. I just want him smothered with affection


Oh my gosh this hurts. Prom whimpering in his sleep because of these nightmares: I wonder how often he's dreamed about this so far. But gosh that clerk is double the size of Prompto and he's just manhandling him around, you can bet he's not being too gentle about it either. But the fact that Prom is holding the side of his FACE in these panels... guess we know where he got his black eye from

Ellay Gee

T.T this is glorious, and it makes me sad. I continue to be enthralled with your ability to tell stories in this manner.


Wow, I really love the second panel, how the store owner towers over Prom, and then the sequence of Prom being thrown in what looks like a storage closet. That can't be very good for his claustrophobia :/


Okay, so the thing that really kills me about all this is that we see the can of soup in the damned gutter at the beginning of the comic. This was never about loss prevention if the storekeeper didn't even bother to go back and reclaim his merchandise; this was entirely about punishing Prompto for being a Niff. And Prompto holding his face in those two panels makes me hurt as much as he clearly does. How dare you (and by that I mean, amazing work as always; welcome back!)


Yep, being locked in a dark supply closet to think of all the ways he fucked up. Then right as he felt saved the rug is whipped from under him


Yeah, Ignis knows no details, honestly he wouldnt have reacted as he did if he realised it was food prompto was stealing


yuuup, finally some explanation. He's definitely going to be traumatised by this for a while


Yeah! It definitely wouldnt help...totally wouldnt feel like an MT pod...nahhh >__> Thank you!


YUP! Exactly what you said, its full on prejudice. Honestly if Prom had been a regular Lucian citizen the shopkeep probably wouldnt have noticed him lingering around to begin with. Thanks DW!!


Ughhhhhhhh ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽