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Tayler Ellis

Oh, Prom 😰 his eyes, poor kid is so tired and worn down😕


A tired baby 😭

Sam Citrine

Precious boi! Protect him!


Prom looks so sad and worn out but t least he's being fed


Oh bab, he remains so sweet and helpful with others, and never ask for anything in return and it just breaks my heart. Love the change from the smiles to the serious, tired look in the last two panels. Oh honey, stop hiding, please just reach out for help T.T

a zombie

He looks so tiny in that sweatshirt, and I think Ms Linda might know something’s going on (probably not what, but that there’s a problem)


I vote on an army of sweet old ladies showing up to his hearing with pitchforks. "LEAVE OUR PROMPTO ALONE YE BUGGERS"


Yessss, these ladies would feed you gladly - tho i always feel like the people he helps are refugees too and he knows theyre not in the best situation financially so he would never put pressure on them


Ugh, that fact that he says no to the extra cake in spite of his situation.... (TдT)