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Ellaygee shame

saltslimes concern


Here's the gist how i see it

Prompto has missed 2 days of Crownsguard training

So Cor asked Gladio what the shit was going on

Because if he's not serious he can just not bother coming

And Gladio is like 'I'm sorry Cor, I haven't heard from him and I gotta run, that demonstration is on

The same demonstration thats sucked up all of Noctis' time

Gladio was just grabbing a spare shirt from his locker

So Cor is like 'Fine' but the more he thinks

And how eager Prompto is

Its not like him

Gladio probably says it as an aside to Noctis and he's like


Because Noctis has been kind of unreachable

And Prom's messages over the weekend had gone mostly unanswered

And with the demonstration he's been excused from his classes this week



oh man, accidental bad friend!Noctis is one of my biggest weaknesses (ME TOO)


'Can I keep this cold?? I've lost 3lbs with no effort'

'Oh man, how do I still have snot?'

'That must be the 3lbs, its all snot'


'Did I gross you out?'

'Bloody snot'

'I wasnt cussing, its red now'

'darn snot lol'

'thats my iggy impression, bloody snot!'

'dont ever show him that'


'ok...umm...i'll stop talking now'






He'd be back later

Noct then sent a 'Sorry for the radio silence dude, hows the cold?'

'Is this payback??'


Gladio fires off a quick message to Cor before feeling his dads glare

and stuffs his phone away

Noctis is thinking that at least after this evening he'll be free

And he'll make is up

Cor 'lets himself in' when no one answers

Because he's a bit concerned

Could smell the sick when he peeks into the kitchen

Some of the stains are hard and dry

Most of the water form the broken glass is dry

Prompto startled awake when he hears the crunch of a piece of glass under Cors shoe

Is embarressed with the fact that he's thrown up all over himself and keeps mentioning it

He probably dropped the glass and when he jolted after it

the rush totally knocked him out

And he woke up reeling with a piece of glass wedged right into his hand

where he put his hand down to catch himself

He wraps a dishrag around it

Out of sight out of mind

youre not supposed to remove things anyway

And is like 'i'll just rest here a minute'

Which turns into a day

Probably puked the first time when he saw his hand


'Yeah, I'd say you are'

starts dialling an ambulance

but pauses, he'll be faster

and cuts through the house

Nothing in the living room to wrap him in

Pulls a blanket off Promptos bed

even through they smell a bit of stale sweat

Leaves the blanket draped over the couch

Comes back and kicks away the glass

before picking Prompto up

Who's pushing him away because no he's all gross and covered in puke

Probably pulls the tee off

and leaves him with the shorts because he's not about to put him thru that

wraps him up in the blanket cocoon

And carries him out to his car, strapping him in to the passenger side

He's dangerously dehydrated in Cors opinion

He probably figures the medical wing in teh Citadel will be best

rather than wracking up bills when he'll be transferred there inevitably once Noctis gets his hands on him

Clicking his fingers in front of Proms face whenever his head lolls forward

Prom startles awake like its the first time he's done it every time


When he gets him to the infirmary he just says its one of the recruits

no need to say he's essentially brought an outsider in

Carried him through the halls

And then he relinquishes him to their care

Once he sees them get started on the fluid bag

Sends off a text to Gladio

'A. was sick, brought to Medwing, fine now'

Gladio knows cor well enough tho

To read between the lines

Cor wouldnt have done anything if he was well enough to stay at home

'see a doctor D<'

The text reads as that he was bad enough to need hospitalisation

Also Cor has done his piece

So he's left a confused Prompto surrounded by strangers

he doesnt know Promptos hang ups

he still wouldnt have stayed

But he would have called someone who knew him to sit with him

And like for Prompto

who's had nightmares of labs

and experiments

This isnt a hospital

They probably inevitably had to sedate him

and had to move the IV to a different point because he'd ripped it from his hand

The demonstration ends and Gladio take Ignis aside

they dont need Noct making a scene either

His father comes over with a charming smile

But Gladio recognises it as his 'im going to fucking kill you, you've been distracted all day'

that smile a parent gets 'youre dead son 8D when we get out of here'

And then he shows him the messages

And Clarus knows

'I'll make a call

Rings the medwing


puke and blood everywhere

panic attack

collapsed and they got the IV back in and some sedative in the drip

Probably have restraints on

So now he's half awake and just crying

'Did anyone explain where he was?'

'well we didnt really get an opening...'


We're a bit phobic

because we saw that he's clearly a nif

And why are we even looking after him

Clarus is like 'right'

Hangs up and goes to regis

'Youre not allowed to be mad at Gladio - youre just a distracted' 8D *waves*


'Time to wrap this up!'

Good night everyone!!

get out of my house

party's over

Nocts like 'this is unusual for dad

'i might actually get an early night'

Oh ho ho no you wont




I cringed thinking about the broken glass embedded in proms skin. The details here are fantastic. I love that cor is holding his fingers to his neck to check for pulse. And prom’s expression looks like he’s about ready to pass out again :(


Yeah that touch gives me quite a visceral discomfort when i think about the force of falling on it. Yeah Cor would go full professional mode, take in the situation, implement solution.


Poor thing, and to think, even his treatment at the medwing sucks after all that he's been through. I'm so glad it's Cor that found him, though. He is in full 'medic mode' right there, I love it and his expression.