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Ind and Salt suggested Adapt and Compromised

Oh man, if this is how you treat your friends, i'd hate to see what you do to your enemies'

Confidence is most of the battle

'Prompto's been compromised....I think' says Iggy

he's signalling with his hand, like 'gtfo of there'

because he's going to give their location to Loqi

as a show of trust

and when they get there hopefull all they'll find is tire tracks and flattened grass

'Who else will vouch for you?

'Commodore Highwind, Maybe Chancellor Izunia - you can never tell with him'

'Thats quite an impressive list'


'I'm the best at what I do'

Loqis like

yeah no point calling Ardyn

he'll just fuck me around

He'll call Aranea

Ardyn would probably be like


'dude, ive been in deep cover for a decade - if you think I know how to put armour on - youre going to get a show and it will be a comedy'

Well i imagine Ignis can lipread

So he's telling them the words as Prompto says them

'We have to assume he's been compromised and he's doing what he can - wait - he just signalled for us to go.'

'What!? we cant!!'

'Noctis i will drag you to the Regalia if I have to.'

'We just have to....trust Prompto knows what hes doing'

Theyre in the regalia driving out with the lights off

Ignis is like

'Why didn't we know Prompto had an imperial tattoo under that wristband?'

'I did'

says Noctis

'Do you honestly think Dad didn't know everything about someone who would be close to me?'

'And you didn't tell m- us?'

'It wasn't my secret to tell'

'Any chance theres truth in what Prompto said?'


'Noctis, answer that as a king and not as Prompto's best friend'

'Prompto's been in Insomnia since he was 3, not a decade'

'Okay, okay I believe you'

Half an hour later Nocts phone starts to buzz

Unknown number

'So, I was woken up in the middle of the night for a phone call'


'Look, I said I knew who he was, so he's safe for now'

'Whats his code reg?'


'Okay D: I'll call tomorrow'

'Are you calling me a fuckiing liar??'

'No, I ah, thanks for taking the call'

I kind of imagine her demanding to talk to prompto

and he puts it on speaker

'2AM Prompto??'

'I didn't think they'd wake you up 'Nea...?'

'Yeah whatever, do I need to come get you?'

'I dunno, does she?' he says to Loqi

'Theres no need, we're going to need to know what he does'

the problem now

Is that Prompto has to play along

and leave when he's allowed

because he'd throw aranea under the bus

if he just escaped

So he's basically given a room in the place

not under watch

and has to stay put

'Also fyi, you better hope I can trick them into letting me back in - if you fuck up a 10 yr op'

'You think you can threaten me??'

He'd get into the room, eyeball the camera

And flop onto the bed

He's so close to a panic attack

But he's gonna have to reel it in

I kind of imagine

That they take him somewhere near Noctis

But he's still being monitored

Noctis sees him and just warps right over and throws his arms around him

and Loqis like

'damn he good'


'How did you get away??? We saw them capture you and Gladio made me leave!!'

'I thought you were dead'

'Me too bud!'

Maybe he got them to rough him up a bit for appearances sake

before he went back to Noct

Loqi was like

'my pleasure'

And Aranea probably checks in with Loqi

And he's like 'i set your pet free'

'You're getting full of yourself Loqi'

Full of something anyway

But the way Loqi sees it, he has all this new info on Noct and co

Later that day aranea rings Noct again

and is like 'put him on'

'You ok?'

'....yeah, im so sorry aranea'

'Its fine, mind yourself'

'Did - did you know?'

'Yeah I did'




LOQI. FIRST THE COR 3SOME NOW THIS?? I've legit been drawing nothing but him for the past week and now you just--- seriously. Julie, you're the best. So much love ; w ; (he looks so pretty in your style, too! I've been struggling to draw him in ways to set him apart from prom sometimes, I think I may take some pointers from you bc you really managed that just beautifully)


Whaat loqi? I always forget he exists in the game because he has such few screen time. But i love seeing him in your style :)

Anabel (latt) (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-12 21:48:58 Loqi <3 for one delusional minute I thought it was 3 jealous boyfriends spying on the sunshine boy 😶 anyway, this is so good!
2018-04-18 19:19:33 Loqi <3 for one delusional minute I thought it was 3 jealous boyfriends spying on the sunshine boy 😶 anyway, this is so good!

Loqi <3 for one delusional minute I thought it was 3 jealous boyfriends spying on the sunshine boy 😶 anyway, this is so good!


Hahaha, I totally picked him because I already have refs saved for him. I kind of hc that he is potentially cloned too and thats why he and Prompto share similar features. He's just much higher on the food chain than most clones - maybe its a free will thing. I can share my refs with you if you like?


Hahah I know, in the stream last night Ava said that funniest thing when he was backing off from Aranea 'This is why you're the first boss Loqi' or something to that effect. Thanks!


HAHA That sounds amazing....and if I happen to do something with that later....don't be surprised! I will dedicate it to you


I love Loqi but he's such a little shit and I have such a hard time finding him threatening at all lmao so hearing about Aranea just putting him in his place is honestly just the best. Plus he looks gorgeous here, his hair looks so luscious and those eyes are just wow! I said this in the stream but I really love the way you do covert ops!Prom (at least that's what I call him in my head lol). Most of the game is spent with him doing the exact opposite, but I feel like this is where he really shines. Even with his personal issues/insecurities, Prompto is almost too good at covering his own ass for someone that wears his emotions so openly.