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the first thought that came to mind

was Ignis having grabbed Proms hand to pull him back

from where he wasnt paying attention

and about to step off the curb

im imagining this is Brotherhood

But before Noct has introduced his newfriend

Promptos like

'Is this a movie?? because you can't be real????'

hes wearing a cardigan

a rare day off

suddenly stressful

as this cute IDIOT blonde

almost walked into traffic

Ignis pulled harder than needed

he didnt expect a twig

the 'oomph' as their chests collide

'T-thanks Hercules'

'Did I hurt you?'

As prom rubs his wrist

'Haha not as badly as that car would have'

'Have you no self preservation?'

'Well...yeah but, I was thinking about this sick photo op...'

Ignis shakes his head

'In Lucian please




I love this a lot. Perfect.


Wow ❤️❤️


I know this has nothing to do with the other but after reading the comic pages and having my heart break, this picture really makes me feel better. =)

Anabel (latt)

Gaaaah I need more Brotherhood era boys T-T gosh Iggy here <3


Ahhh so cute! I want to pinch prom’s cheeks ❤️❤️

Kiera Vallone

This is too precious, I can't handle it


Haha it 100% has everything to do with the comic - I was saying in stream that I was drawing it to cushion the blow of the comic, there will be plenty of sweet Prom/Iggy and Prom others to help soothe over the weeks XD


Thank you latt, U cant deal with Iggy's full BH hair so I usually mix it up