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Asked for words for NSFW pic - Manager Ardyn AU again







I have a concern :0000

Is he um


Did he make him put it in before going on stage?


The FEAR of someone noticing

Kept P Jr under control

Ardyn would bite

and then make him wear the shirt again

Probably loves the media speculation on marks he's left

Who IS Prompto's latest beau?

I also feel like

He'd market him a certain way

But Prom is so contradictory

'Another hot stranger leaving Argentums hotel room'

Promptos conked in an exhausted coma in another room

Cant string two words together around excessively hot people

The internet fights over it

because he's sunshine

Theyre all lies

Ardyn was probably his one and only


ardyn wouldn't actually let anyone else near him




i wonder if anyone's every hacked into his twitter...and was expecting some wild stuff...but now. it's just tons of pictures of puppies


Someone else probably runs it

He has a secret blog

more a 'what Prompto is actually like' blog

Some photos he's taken

Things he loves


'Selfie for twitter!!'

*photo of food for blog*

Lol he'd probably have his little following for his talent

It would all eventually blow up in Ardyn's face

Prompto would probably innocently say something

And It's like 2+2=Holy SHIT

Like a leaked conversation

Ardyn would be like

'Say you were fucking around, this will END you'


i feel like ardyn would full on try to sue him

like: defamation


yeah salt

Prompto is the worst liar in the world

I also feel liek Ardyn would have went ape on him

Think Zegnautus

Plays it off as a rabid fan

Promptos in an interview saying what Ardyn told him

but its like he's reading a cuecard

And he's a mess

And thats the thing about modern media

Everything is looked at under a microscope

Like the split second he glances warily in Ardyns direction

Played on repeat in a gif

in slo mo

The fear is evident

He just wants to sing

I imagine when it goes wrong

Noctis who was probably cut off

Is immediately reaching out

But yes Noctis probably knew it was Ardyn who was blocking him from when they 'broke up'

I kind of figure once it starts coming out it's realised that Ardyn was also probably abusing Prompto when he was underage

So he'd be arrested

And suddenly Prompto is alone

Like he doesnt even know how to talk to the media

without someone telling him what to say


augh he needs an ignis


And this would be the point where he's an open wound to take advantage of

There would be so many people trying to 'help' him

out of 'kindness'

And In bursts Noctis on his white horse

(with an Ignis)

They pack him off to one of their properties

He probably hasn't ever been really looked after


just told what to do and when to do it ;A;


And like

Ignis and Gladio who are there with Noct

Probbbaaably have only seen the medias view

And know it's not the law

but its probably not hugely far off

But Ignis acquires a shadow

'Can I help?'

'Do you want me to do anything?'

Gladio is met with with fear and awe

And 'can I take a pic of your tattoo...it's really cool'

A week in and theyre like

'We're going to BURY HIM'

with ardyn

Prompto probably takes the opportunity to write some music too

Looks super pathetic all covered in bandages (will be drawn)

He'd be free to be himself after all this too

They get him a proper manager

Aranea or someone XD

Biggs and Wedge would be her muscle

She'd love it

Shit talking ardyn all day every day

'Why did yousign Prompto Argentum?'

'Because nothing says 'fuck you Izunia' like stealing his act? Also he's fuckign talented as shit'


'Aranea D: We cant use that'



Virginia B

oh no! poor prompto, I imagine he gives very kinetic performances, that's gotta be distracting. glad he finds a safe space with aranea eventually ♡

Anabel (latt)

With the way media is nowadays, yeah Aranea can totes say that xD wow man this au has evolved and while the picture breaks my heart, knowing the boys (and lady!) help him out later kinda heals it.


I love that aranea would be the new manager!! Ahh this au is so good. Ardyn would be emotionally and financially controlling of prom. So when ardyn is taken away, noct and crew step in to give prom the support he needs. His star will shine brightest ❤️

Kiera Vallone

Aranea would be the best manager!


Yesss, I figure he's normally a sweaty mess b the time he finishes a show from jumping around. There was probably a lot of fan spec on whether he wasn't well this particular show.


8DD Yesss, I had to build on it a bit and you know hurt Prom is my fave XD


He would definitely flourish under their care and gain many many new fans. Not just that but his relationship with Noctis would also grow again