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'UGH more hunts??'

'Whats this one? It's really high'




God poor Prom, worrying at his wristband behind his back :((((

You know that one word's got to hurt :(a


This is how stuff spirals

'Im afraid we'll have to cut back on renting chocobos for a week at a time but if we plan our time, we should be able to get what we need done in the timeframe'

rent for 2 days

get shit done in that time


will it work out that way?


So they're gonna get stranded and separated

and he's made feel even worse

By the time they all link up theyre silently seething

but no ones commenting on the new delph that was bought

or the shield Gladio got even tho he has a perfectly functioning one

but this one has a higher defence to fire

even though...not going near fire

but no lets focus on the cures



Boys no ;;

Those cures are important ;;


So Prom starts doing some work himself

Maybe he's taking some online photography work with Vyv

And he buys his own cures

and Ignis and co see him use cures

well, he waits for a few hurts before he does

But they cant comprehend because the number is only going down by what they use

which hey

actually more than they thought

And then theyre in the crows nest

and Prom goes with Ignis and orders his own

He's probably feeling kind of better about it though

because anything they say now doesnt apply to him

i figure they don't realise for a while

But when they do

theres also the fact that the cost of Proms expenses were pretty negligible

He still flinches away from Iggy's little book

conditioned to feel bad when its brought out




When you first started drawing the camera I feared that Prompto was going to sell/pawn off the camera but I love where you took this so much more. I feel like despite Ignis being the advisor and all, Prompto is probably the one better suited to budgeting because none of the other bros have really had to budget anything prior to Insomnia's fall unless it was politics related but that's different than balancing food and living expenses and CURATIVES. I also can't imagine the bros would be very happy about Prompto taking on extra jobs when they finally realize. And all of their expressions here are so perfect. I love that you gave them all such distinct profiles in their faces and Gladio still looks like a goddamn model here despite the fact that he's complaining lmao

Laura Nievas

Why must they be so unnecessarily cruel to my boy???? Vaguing him to be better when they're out there on a spending spree. He'll get his time in the light when they eventually end up short on cash or curatives and he's there to happily give out his own supplies.