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"My sister died for this pathetic excuse for a king..."


you know that vid where the dog goes to attack the kid

and the cat just comes RUNNING



This is so freaking cute

I love how Prom is like to Ravus' shoulders

And is just shoving him XD

What good, pushy body language


Prom slid across the bed sheets a la dukes of hazard

Shoulder slammed ravus

'He's the best okay D<'

'You dont even KNOW HIM'

Noct crawls across the bed a bit and grabs the back of Proms vest and reels him in

'Its okay Prom'

prom will fight you

if his bro is threatened

'Why do you have an MT here?'


Considering this is the AE of Ep Iggy Prom probably doesnt fall off the train

but imagine all that conflict 8DD

the travelling after

on the train




your chibis are actually the best! the dichotomy between the seriousness (the word i'm actually looking for escapes me at the moment but that will do) of the first image versus the humor of the second is fantastic.

Virginia B

ravus' arm looks amazing~ and prom is doing such a good job sticking up for noct, and then ravus drops a drama bomb omg i love this ♡♡♡


I love the fallout that would come with the comment 8D Thanks so much!!