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Prompto has an extremely high tolerance to pain

Imagine Cor like

applying gentle pressure

and theres 100% a break there

But Proms looking at him like

'.....whats going on?'

when they get him to the medical wing

"xray everything"

And turns out he has a hairline fracture in his OTHER leg as well

And a broken finger

Cors like

you know what


he probably upped his own training to be fit for crownsguard

which is how he got the stress break in his other leg

Lol he's probably the type tho

He gets a papercut

and he's like

Thats it

im dead

Prom is like huffing at Gladio

Cor wont let him train

'it doesnt even hurt bad

Cors like 'get out of my sight before i break your tailbone with my boot'

Gladio rubs his hands over his face

'explain it to me again'

Gladio picks him up

'Stop that. they gave me a boot and a crutch'

Gives him to Ignis

so he can aggressively mother him






I live for Prompto and Cor interactions!!!!