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You are out of line Prompto, I think it would be best if you took your leave for the evening.'

Noctis opens his mouth

'Not a word Noctis'

I imagine Noct was being dismissive and entitled and didnt like it when Prom called him on it

Ignis was in the kitchen and he heard the voices start to raise in volume

I kind of imagine Prompto was saying that he wished Noct would get a cold dose of reality that would wake his entitled ass up

And Ignis is like '...no, you don't talk to him like that'

'Prompto, wait until I turn off the cooker and I'll drive you home. It's late'

'I don't want a drive D<'

'Well now you're just being foolish'

Not helped by nocts smug face

Ignis took his side

'I'd prefer to be a fool than a-'

'Don't finish that'


I mean iggy's doing good honestly XD




even if he seems to be taking sides he's stopping it from escalating too far


hes trying to stop them from destroying their friendship

I kind of imagine Prom would avoid him

Noct would be like 'WELP, I won, 'hey want to go to the arcade tomo?''

His 2 other friends are kinda obligated to not hold grudges

Like if he pisses them off they have to suck it up

Prompto does not

He'd honestly probably be a bit confused when Prompto wasnt waiting for him at school monday morning

and avoids him and ignores him

Nocts like 'h-hey c'mon'

He'd be complaining to Ignis later

And Ignis would be like

'This might be a novel concept, but have you thought about apologising?'

'For what, you agreed with me??'

'mm, you're mistaking my duty to protect you for agreement'

Nocts like *clutches pearls* WHAT

He'd apologise the next day

'hey prompto im sorry'

'What are you sorry for?'



Noct sulking at his weekly dinner with his father

'Ah yes, Ignis did mention that you had a falling out with your friend' as Noct mutilates his veg

'Perhaps you should consider asking him what it was that upset him so?'


Prom is almost beaten by an 'i miss you' text

But he stays strong
