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The actor that plays Charn has such a great smile! Like, he has a look I really don't know how to explain it. It's like always mischievous and teasing, I love it so much 😂😂


One thing I enjoy the most about this series, and especially this episode in particular - and I have to admit I'm watching this series with you, Javi, for the 3rd time - is that the 'adult' characters (not an engineering student to be seen!) communicate affection, romance and sexual attraction in a mature way. From looking into each others eyes to a head on the shoulder while listening to a love song, it all gives the viewer the chance to feel their affection, not just see it laid out there. This proves a bl can be 'sweetly' sensual without being in your face and still be successful. When Tin smiles, MY heart melts! And Charn's puppy dog eyes will get him whatever he asks for! Love these two actors together ... hope they don't overdue the fan service and we see them again soon in another great series.


The second Tin appeared with the ice-cream, I knew what Javi's reaction would be! LOL Thaenthai is definitely a brat, but even from episode 1, I knew something was off. A lot of what he does is base off bravado. It's a form of masking. Grandma is the founder of the TinCharn ship. We are all into Jam and Film! Yeah charn is a goner! Tin is a goner! LOL The chemistry is working overtime! Tin looking at Bai like: MINE! This was one of my favorite episodes.

BaoziBang (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 03:48:10 The funny thing is, I see all these things you didn't. I can see tt kind of break again and again and then put OK this stupid bravado again so he won't be vulnerable. He's kind of like Charn, just with a whole life of abuse as background. The Bodyguard is like Tin. They are kind of mirrored.
2024-02-26 03:48:10 The funny thing is, I see all these things you didn't. I can see tt kind of break again and again and then put OK this stupid bravado again so he won't be vulnerable. He's kind of like Charn, just with a whole life of abuse as background. The Bodyguard is like Tin. They are kind of mirrored.
2024-02-26 03:48:10 The funny thing is, I see all these things you didn't. I can see tt kind of break again and again and then put OK this stupid bravado again so he won't be vulnerable. He's kind of like Charn, just with a whole life of abuse as background. The Bodyguard is like Tin. They are kind of mirrored.
2024-02-23 19:04:50 The funny thing is, I see all these things you didn't. I can see tt kind of break again and again and then put OK this stupid bravado again so he won't be vulnerable. He's kind of like Charn, just with a whole life of abuse as background. The Bodyguard is like Tin. They are kind of mirrored.

The funny thing is, I see all these things you didn't. I can see tt kind of break again and again and then put OK this stupid bravado again so he won't be vulnerable. He's kind of like Charn, just with a whole life of abuse as background. The Bodyguard is like Tin. They are kind of mirrored.