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The most unhinged reaction with an almost 15 minute discussion about all my theories at the end and a tiny sprinkle of a mental breakdown. Thank ya'll for joining me on the journey. Enjoy!




Can’t watch either reactions rn, but I’ll congratulate you on experiencing the mental breakdown all of us went through lol. I’m going to talk about this in therapy fr fr—especially with how it’s been an outlet for my current sui*dal ideations. This show was very cathartic for me 🙂 Hope you’re all doing well ❤️


I think the friend was prob a god and i think when he died he decided to give him a second chance since he regretted and he probably made that world just for him based on what he wrote in the novel and hoped that he could find love and happiness in that world i think that’s why he brought his grandma back too since she was the only one to love him and care for him but now he has alot of people in his life and could finally reach that happiness that he couldn’t reach in the real world. Also im pretty sure the scene where he was all panicking and lost tracked of time and then realized alot of hours passed was a clue to how he died because during that time he was soaking wet and we know he drowned also his eyes were all red too. The scene where he wakes up im pretty sure he woke up in the future and yeo woon was in the past thats why they couldn’t see each other thats why he asked him the date of the race then they probably met up in a place in time where they would both be there at the same time. its my opinion anyways Im glad you reacted to the series I always love your reactions.


This show was one for the books. I feel like all of us had a mini mental breakdown at the end of this haha. Thank you so much for reacting to it. I enjoyed watching it with you :)

Dan Beasley-Harling

I think his older friend was supposed to represent God. MyungHa died, but was given the chance to live on in a heaven where all his needs are met and he's happy. I think the 'game' was about MyungHa finding out what his version of heaven actually looks like, and also with the message for the audience - you can have that now in real life.


Also,yeawoon did use the author's pen to make a change in the story. I think he's the one who changes the mission that helped bring him back to the game. I really love this story. Going g to read the book and manhwa. I need to know more!


It's only the start of the year and this series in my book is already "Best BL of the Year" from the high quality production to the story telling and the character development(even tho i do wish it was a full length 12-16 ep series so that we see more of Sangwon and Woongki's story) to the depth and life lessons, this series really hit home for me personally cuz here i thought this was gonna be nothing but light-hearted and fun but boy did those last 4 episodes really fuck me up and you know what im not even mad about it cuz the execution was superb. Not even just "Best BL of the Year" its also "Best BL of All Time" for me.


I loved the 'unhinged' discussion. So good. It is such an open-to-interpretation story. It makes you think and I hope everyone gets their chance to happiness.

Onley James

I feel like he died and the friend was a guardian angel or a god or the God and he was given a trial to see if he deserved a second chance in an alternate dimension.


Such a great show, and it gets even better on second watch with context! Javi, now that you're done with this could I convince you to react to "If It's With You"? 😅 it's SUPER SHORT, only 5 20min episodes, and it's really excellent. I'm sure you'd love it! ☺️


Again, I think the main theme in this series is self love, before you can love and take care of other. All the friends "love themselves" before they were at peace with themselves... Kyunghoon was able to share with his friends that the person he's in a relationship with was a boy, thus accepting and loving himself, Sangwon accepted that he could fall in love with someone (even if that feeling wasn't returned) regardless of his rough upbringing. Yeowoon chose to do something for himself... deciding to sign with that company and embrace love even when he thought Myungha didn't love him. Myungha chose to finally love someone wholeheartedly, which is why he used the writer's pen to "make sure" his love had a good life without pain (or so he thought). In the end, he (Myungha) had to love and accept himself despite all the rejections from past lovers and from his own mother, in order to fully love Yeowoon. Yeoawoon chose to write Myungha back into his life story. OH MY HEART! This series reminded me of the Kdrama "Tomorrow" Man that series had me crying from episode 1 through episode 16! Javi, They deserved to EAT! I refuse to think of the darker possibilities!


Well, I just don’t think it’s my series. I did try a second time to see what everyone was talking about.


the thing they didn’t translate basically says “thank you for watching Love For Love’s Sake” and (i teared up while reading it) “everyone be happy” 🥹🥹🥹


The way I interpreted the series was that he did die and from the beginning the game was like a limbo. Becasue he regretted dying the 'senior' showed him the novel which was Myungha reviewing a version of his life up to a point which is why he saw the similarities and had empathy for the charactor. Saying that he wanted to make Yeowoon happy was the trigger for the senior to give him that second chance but the game setting made him make choices, the game errored and glitched becasue Myungha was fighting against the opportunities to learn, grow and accept to love himself by fully accepting the love and care of those around him. It finally crashed when he gave up, breaking up with Yeowoon and using the pen to make Yeowoon happy rather than finding joint happiness with him. There are several instances where things are glitching and you can hear water which links back to his death. His ex in the original world was the only one who remembered Myungha in the 'game', this then sparked Yeowoon to remember. I do wonder if potentially Yeonwoon is also in a similar limbo situation which is why they were able to switch POV when he picked up the pen and saw the past & still decided to use the pen to ask to make Myungha happy. I think the time delay was the final mission, Myungha had to strive to reach Yeowoon one last time, solidifying his want for it to be different this time - at this point we are still in the game aspect ration and it isn't until the 2 finally meet that we switch to full screen signifying that the game is over and that this is now a new reality.

Natasha C

To me the friend represents a God/deity. The script are things that ‘friend’ feels would make Myungha happy in the afterlife. We still have free will so it’s up to Myungha to find his own happiness at the end of the day and make choices though.Yeowoon was created for him , so we’re the others. That world represents his own version of heaven or the afterlife where he’ll be happy. He had to fix the things of his past in order to be happy. The system error represents his raging emotions and the fact that he still needed to understand that he is special and find self love before he can love others. He essentially had to choose to be happy. Also the mom is my enemy fr how could she not even give him 5 minutes of her time ! It’s a lovely story 😭 I’m gonna miss them. I love the different interpretations people have !


Glad to see you going through what i went through after watching this show which i fell in love with. My POV is that 29 year old Myungha died. 29 year old Myungha was a good person, helping everyone but did not take care of himself and made no meaningful relationships. The friend is God giving Myungha a second chance at life because Myungha regretted his decision and also because Myungha was a good person so he send him 10 years back so Myungha can make changes in his life so the same thing does not happen when he turns 29 year old again. I think 19 year old Myungha met all these people when he was 19 years old but did not care to make any friends back then. The game is more like a guide so he doesn’t make the same mistakes he did back then but he was making the same mistakes. Sending Myungha to make friends because at the end we could tell he had no friends because he was alone when grandma died. Myungha did not understand that to make Yeowoon happy is by making himself happy as well by leaning on Yeowoon, leaning on his friends like when Sangwon tries to fight the stalker, communicating his feelings, fears to Yeowoon but he did not. He kept everything in. He was trying to fix everything himself and also going against the game. All the texts he was getting were from the friend/God but he was ignoring them as well. Some times in the show, you can even hear the same water noise from he was dying in the ocean. Myungha until the end chose someone else happiness but Yeowoon was able to make changes using the author’s pen making him the mission but his time did not change . Yeowoon needs Myungha to be happy and vice versa. My theory about why they had to meet at the beach, that location to me had to do with Myungha’s death. I am still processing that. At the end of the day, i think it is open to personal interpretation but the lesson remains the same. You can’t love others without self love.


yes, same person acted as reporter in the game and girlfriend in the real world. And I think that's why only she remeber MyungHa. Maybe she is the only person who connected with real world. (Because grandma was already dead🥲) In my opinion, Sunbae who wrote the novel is the Death, so he can give a chance to MyungHa..🤔 29 yrs MyhgHa was dead>met Sunbae in dream?another dimension?world?>read novel(I heard in the original novel, MyungHa read that novel for one year..>start the game


This series DESTROYED me. I believe he’s dead since the beginning, the “friend” he talks to is actually someone from the after life that is giving him a second chance to live the life he wanted in an alternate world. And the girl that broke up with him in the real world and the recruiter in the game are the same person, that’s why she’s the only one, apart from Yeowoon, that remembers him.


I love the fact that this series gave you enough answers to feel satisfying but also left a lot up to interpretation. It’s a genius show with so much depth and nuance, and a lot of important things to say about MH, love, self love and acceptance. ALSO The Korean speakers out there have revealed some important things! If you combine their names ‘woonmyung’ it means fate or destiny. AND when they reunite on the beach as the game end credits roll, you can hear them talking but it’s not translated. Myungha says ‘Cha Yeowoon, I love you. I’m not going anywhere anymore’. Yeowoon replies ‘Really? Let’s go’, the last part which was translated. Anyway it’s a 10/10 and one of the best KBL’s ever for me ❤️❤️❤️


I also think Myungha was dead from the start. But I think the “friend” was not from this world. I don’t think Myungha ever met him in the bar. At least not in human form. I think YeoWoon at the end changed the mission to make Myungha happy because he cared about him and loved him. I feel like Myungha trying to make YeoWoon happy was not the point all along. He couldn’t make YeoWoon happy because he can’t allow himself to be happy. He gave up on himself when he died and gave up again in the game. At the end I think Myungha is now in another world where he’s 19 even though he died as 29. It’s kind of messed up when you think about it but at least he’s happy with YeoWoon 😅


I loved it the first time but yes when I watched it again it made even more sense and I loved some of the details I noticed like the constant water in the background relating to how Myungha died 😢 I love these types of shows where rewatching makes it even better.


i highly recommend rewatching the series after knowing the ending! the details you pick up on!! like the water background audio in ep 1 as we transition into the game ughhh


To me Myungha was dead from the beginning. During this rewatch with you I really noticed all the times it sounded like we were underwater. I dont think the friend was actually ever his friend in real life but was some type of higher power/death. And this is kinda of like a type of afterlife… where now he has love simply for love’s sake and can live a life he never got to before. This series killed me. I love it so much


There is a novel that isn't fully translated yet. There is a fan doing it but I think it might take a while before its close to being done. There is a webtoon that was recently adapted from the novel! It's still kinda in the beginning of the story but so far good


I just love it when a series sparks discussion. Many people are saying that there are a lot of plotholes but the story is fantasy and fiction. As long as they do a great job in the character and world building, I won't say these are plotholes but rather just as you said "open for interpretation and discussion". Literally, you or someone else could give you answers on what you're confused about the show. And this series really did a great job in character and world building. For me the story/game is literally just myungha reliving a modified version of his life. He went through the exact same situations as he did in the real world. His mother, his grandma's "death", and a breakup with his partner. The game is forcing him to choose himself, for him to cherish life and continue living. But during those moments he chose the same decisions and lived exactly the same as before. Ending with him giving up on himself. That's what caused the game to fall apart (basically like how his life fell apart). It's a bittersweet ending for me because he gave up on himself twice before he could finally chose himself. Him loving yeowoon is such a poetic and metaphorical way of portraying self-love. Regarding the different dates in the ending, myungha was deleted with 2 days left and when he returned to the game he was 2 days advance from yeowoon. He was sent back to the last day of his mission. I was free today so I binged watch your reaction to the whole series. I just love it so much. Definitely has become my favorite bl ever. Thank you for the wonderful reaction and discussion at the end❤️


Wow! When I binged watched this a few weeks ago, I was sure Myungha got a due over and the writer friend was God (?) helping him realize what he truly wanted and giving him a second chance. But now I think he lives only in the game but with the sense that it iS his real life. I would also love to know what the missing translation is ... i might be overthinking but i'm hoping it's a clue to understanding the ending. No matter real life, someone's memory, within a game or an alternate universe, this was a beautiful and touching love story. Maybe that's just what we're meant to takeaway from it .. that true love endures beyond all limits. I'd like to think so ...


I don't want to say goodbye to this series either. 💔 It was a blast rewatching again along with you! I was very surprised that you finished reacting to this series in just 2 weeks! I was expecting to wait each week for a new reaction but was excited when I got new notifications so soon! I'm happy that you enjoyed this series a lot like I did! This show was so good that I couldn't stop clicking on the next episode right away!


That’s a great point about the different dates. So YeoWoon had to wait in his world so they could meet together on Aug 14th?


This last episode made me cry so much. Both out of sadness and pure happyness. I loved every minute of this!


Yeah something like that. Since the mission change, myungha doesn't need to follow the 300 days anymore that's why he was sent back to the game on the last hours of that 300 days. While yeowoon's timeline was still on the last 2 days and needed to catch up with myungha's. I don't know if it's their intention but it follows real life game experience. If you play any role playing game, there are certain missions or game objectives that you need to wait days in order to finish. Since the game perspective change to yeowoon, he's now the driver of the game, he needed to wait til the other mission's time is finished before starting out any other new missions. I hope I explained it clearly ❤️

Renato Alves

It’s kinda of a bittersweet feeling, i get excited because we have a happy ending but at the same time it’s not?? I feel like Myungha storie is so sad, and the fact that he’s only able to live happily in his friend novel it’s heartbreaking. I would prefer that they showed them living in a high-tech society where you can control people’s minds, so that the context was not so heavy and I could be more connected with the ending and his choice(?) to stay in the "game"


Yes the screens above the counters at the theatre also displayed the dates that they were in. YeoWoon's one indicated Aug 12 while MyungHa's one was Aug 14.

Jessi Lovely

“I want to live” That got me.


It's no longer a game at the end, the game finished and became reality!

Skyler Ian

People have already laid out my own interpretation pretty well, so I won't go into it in depth but, I believe Myungha died(or was on the verge) and his consciousness/soul was pulled to that bar scene. The friend was never his "friend" and just appeared to him to be. I think Myungha at one time even thought "Who is this sunbae?" to himself like he couldn't place him when he really thought about it. I think he's a higher being of some sort. There was also a flashback to the "friend" having Myungha write answers to questions and I think these answers were used as some of the sub-missions?


The game and mission time makes sense especially with YeoWoon now being the "driver of the game". Great observation. I loved this concept so much. I would have watched another 8 eps if they gave it to us ❤️


Yup I noticed the different dates at the movie theater too. I don't know if I'm overthinking it but I also kept noticing that movie poster with the person not facing us. It was also next to that gorilla zombie and crocodile monster poster when Myungha and Yeowoon were on their first date. Maybe it symbolizes that there wasn't one real "main character" of the game since it switched from YeonWoo to Myungha.


Yeah, I could literally see this as a full on 1hr and 16 episodes kdrama. I heard that the manga this series is based on is still on going. So a special episode is highly possible if they want to🥹 and also have you heard we're getting a 3 episode reality show of the cast❤️ and about the poster you're talking about. I don't think it's translated but it says "a guy who gave a kiss for 10,000 won" along those line. It's supposed to be a comedic stint mirroring yeowoon kissing myungha after buying the plaster for 500 won from myungha😂


I do agree that he had died and the higher being gave him a second chance when he expressed remorse, in the form of a game in another dimension as a test if he could learn to love himself, which brings me to my other interpretation. I think the two characters could be one and the same and just another version of himself. When we first saw Yeowoon it looked like he was also thinking of ending his life and he also just lost his grandma, so there's the parallel. There was also a scene at the end where Yeowoon ran to the grandma's house and she looked at him like he was Myungha. The program was glitching because Myungha was not making progress and was reverting back to his old ways to the point of giving up, which caused him to be deleted from the game. His other self brought him back. They couldn't meet because they were in different stages in the game. Myungha had to find "himself" in order to find the love and happiness that was missing in his life.

Joanna -_-

It's a bittersweet ending honestly. Like we know Myungha is dead but he's at least 'living' forever happily with Yoowoon and his friends. He finally has his happiness, even if he found it late.