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6:49 You wanted to know who that man is. The character was introduced in ep3. His name is Wit and he's a forensic officer. The actor's name is Shell Thakrit. He's also in the series Playboyy (which is very good, btw). My favorite actor and character in that series. ^^


I thinks Dol the one whose told Dr about Phaya’s Dream. Since she know about Phaya’s dream. And she said she is there to meet her friend. I’m sure her friend is Dr and she doesn’t no the Dr is a bad guy. Just my theory. 😁


I had that thought as well, but when they went outside, she didn’t really acknowledge the Doctor so I thought, maybe not. But we’ll see! 😊


Yep hes in playboy the series, u get to see him with no shirt on being a bad boy 🥵🥵😂

Audrey Fortier

I feel sorry for Tharn and how he’s scared of something happening to Phaya, but Phaya thinks he is overreacting but I’m glad Tharn was honest, letting Phaya know that he doesn’t want to hear him talking about being dead because while Phaya talks about it, Tharn is the one seeing him dying over and over again, which has made him feel so afraid of having a relationship with Phaya and i don't know but i don't think he tell about the dream to the doctor i think the doctor play with phaya mind to keep him and tharn apart and keep tharn to himself

Anne Cécile

I agree with the previous comment, i don’t think tharn told the doctor because even yai doesn’t know about the dreams and tharn tell almost everything to yai.

Morpho Butterfly

I saw a theory on Tumblr I really liked: Tharn and Phaya share/project dreams to each other. In EP 3, when Phaya sees Tharn in his bed, Tharn is wearing the same clothes in the dream compared to the wake up/morning scene. (Phaya did not see what Tharn wore to bed in the video call). Also, in EP 4, Tharn has a sex dream about Phaya and the next morning, Phaya is acting very horny and seductive. Maybe it's more of a subconscious thing (sharing of emotions, impressions, etc.) then full on dream sharing.


Late to the game... I was hella sus of that doctor (Tharn's friend) from jump and is feeling vindicated right about now! I thought it had to be someone who knows about forensic. Something always happens to the forensic evidence they gather... including that knife. Anywayyyyy.... that dream sequence was SPICY!!! I agree Javi, their chemistry is great!

Onley James

If I have to put my money on anyone in the unit being the killer its Singh. One, he is the one giving them the information, he can manipulate it any way he likes, also when he was talking about the forensics officer's sister being raped, he looked real mad like it was personal and also as soon as they speculted about 'who is the culprit' Singh walked in. Seems pretty foreshadowy to me.


Javi have u seen the actor’s reaction to the series, it’s so funny and cute, I can’t understand what there saying because there no subtitles but looking at them and there expression is enough, then they be grabbing hands, putting arms around each other, am like 😊😌🥰🥰 stop it 🫣 no please continue 🤭🤭