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Unrelated but have you seen the Trailer/Pilot for Jack and Joker?!?Starring Yin and War?!


I love how karan is so respectful to not touch achi! It’s the bare minimum but still…


Yesterday we stayed at the rooftop for Last Twilight, today we still stay here at the rooftop for Cherry Magic 🤣

Nikki Reardon

Rock was the VIP of the first half of the episode LOL Sing can be so manic. Karan treats Achi like he's a porcelain doll, Achi just can't relax! Let Karan love you 😍 Lastly, Tawan Titties?! 😂😂😂Javi, I spit out root beer when you said that. Tay is aging like fine wine. The face, the body.........I don't care that he is old enough to be my son! 😁


Best actor award goes to Madam Noi, that cat! And coming from a person who has a love-hate relationship with my cat, I am looking forward to that cat's cameos!


Karan is just so soft. It's precious. And Achi? I love him so dearly even in all of his wit, panic, and clumsiness.

Cynthia Jehl

This episode... I melted so many times!!! Karan at the end, my heart !!! And yeah, of course they ended the episoderight there. I guess after Last Twilight we couldn't get another rooftop kiss the day after XD I died of laughted when Jinta checked his mind reading power on the cat XD I would do the exact same XD Also, he can undertsand cat language too lol The boss is quite funny too. Loved the bit with Rock having to hit his head. I can't wait for next week with the work outing!! Looks like we're going to get so much great moments. And you made me laugh so much when mentioning the 'Tawan tities' XD Great reaction as always !!


Airing of Cherry Magic on hold after episode 2 due to copy right concerns .. GMMTV said it will post on it's site when further episodes will become available - no time frame given.