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Polina Pavlova

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Naddel xD (edited)

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2023-05-10 18:17:14 I really have to say that watching the episodes together with you gave me a new love and appreciation for the screenplay style of the show. So far I really love Wang. He is neither too flawed nor flawless as a character. But the mother really gets me every time (like one moment I really enjoy their sweet mother-son-harmony/scenes until the facade cracks and you can see how Wang almost always wears a "mask" around her - I really want to know if the Wang we see with In is also somewhat a mask, or if that's more himself). I personally kind of believe that Wang's Mom just really is quite self-centred (either because she doesn't know how to behave with her grown-up son -treating him more like a friend or lover- and deal with her pain from the past or because that's just how she is as a person), which is why Wang was so sad when she left his birthday party (to pack instead of doing it the next morning). The same could be seen in their after-fight-talk, where she made everything about herself. Wang definitely did her wrong, but she also said some things which she should have apologized for or at least should have addressed but didn't. In and Wang's interactions are always soooo intense (in a good way), flirty and really witty (they always get me thinking about their different perspectives). I can't wait to explore the story further with you in the following episodes!! Thank you for your reactions <3, they always make my day!
2022-09-25 21:34:28 I really have to say that watching the episodes together with you gave me a new love and appreciation for the screenplay style of the show. So far I really love Wang. He is neither too flawed nor flawless as a character. But the mother really gets me every time (like one moment I really enjoy their sweet mother-son-harmony/scenes until the facade cracks and you can see how Wang almost always wears a "mask" around her - I really want to know if the Wang we see with In is also somewhat a mask, or if that's more himself). I personally kind of believe that Wang's Mom just really is quite self-centred (either because she doesn't know how to behave with her grown-up son -treating him more like a friend or lover- and deal with her pain from the past or because that's just how she is as a person), which is why Wang was so sad when she left his birthday party (to pack instead of doing it the next morning). The same could be seen in their after-fight-talk, where she made everything about herself. Wang definitely did her wrong, but she also said some things which she should have apologized for or at least should have addressed but didn't. In and Wang's interactions are always soooo intense (in a good way), flirty and really witty (they always get me thinking about their different perspectives). I can't wait to explore the story further with you in the following episodes!! Thank you for your reactions <3, they always make my day!

I really have to say that watching the episodes together with you gave me a new love and appreciation for the screenplay style of the show. So far I really love Wang. He is neither too flawed nor flawless as a character. But the mother really gets me every time (like one moment I really enjoy their sweet mother-son-harmony/scenes until the facade cracks and you can see how Wang almost always wears a "mask" around her - I really want to know if the Wang we see with In is also somewhat a mask, or if that's more himself). I personally kind of believe that Wang's Mom just really is quite self-centred (either because she doesn't know how to behave with her grown-up son -treating him more like a friend or lover- and deal with her pain from the past or because that's just how she is as a person), which is why Wang was so sad when she left his birthday party (to pack instead of doing it the next morning). The same could be seen in their after-fight-talk, where she made everything about herself. Wang definitely did her wrong, but she also said some things which she should have apologized for or at least should have addressed but didn't. In and Wang's interactions are always soooo intense (in a good way), flirty and really witty (they always get me thinking about their different perspectives). I can't wait to explore the story further with you in the following episodes!! Thank you for your reactions <3, they always make my day!