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Manuel Cabrera

omg double feature!? thanks Javi!!

Cédric Bardoux

The letter of the mother is just so fake it makes me going postal. She was totally selfish and at the end she fakes some kind of remorse, redemption arc, just to be '' a good girl''. I hate that. Just like the divorce case. I mean, she marry the guy, lives with him and just because one day she want to divorce, she just need to snap her finger and be obeyed ? Fu Li Gong is right, she is totally selfish, she uses people without no return just for her own hapiness. That is disgusting for me. Love is sharing, I share my life and my hapiness is solely based on the sharing of life (good moment bad moment) with another human; on my case my husband and not on my own predicament. Idem with the father which is so weak. The first time I watch this series I burst into anger, needed to go outside to scream, because the drama was so ramdomly fake. Drama for drama. It brings nothing. And after somany rewatch with you or even alone, it still feels the same. All happening here is just so useless. It happens just because some screenwriters wanted that to happens. And Yes, it piss me off (sorry for the strong language)

Wanitta D Belleh

The first time I watched it, I thought her confession was random, but after/during the second watch you can see signs that she likes him. I think you are right he feels guilty.

David Avila

Ugh my poor babies. They all broken.

David Avila

Fu Li Gong bein da best boyfriend (right now, I haven’t go to da ending 😂) giving words of encouragement to Zhao Zi

David Avila

Ling Ling with da tea. She served blackmail and threats to get da truth and then set ha father straight. This child character is one of da best I have ever scene written. Love ha so much

David Avila

Enter da husband y’all. U kno I started so confused with what happened but toward da end I was like fuck this trash. Husband it sucks but u will overcome it and hopefully find happiness again. I couldn’t fight if our of da blue my partner was like I don’t love u no more. Is he like what. Really. After all these years?!?! Ok. Deuces.

David Avila

Fu Li Gong!!!!!

David Avila

Shi Cheng Hao facial expressions are everything. Such a great actor

David Avila

What da fuck did da dad say to Fu Li Gong?!?! I can’t.

David Avila

Nikita gurl. I can’t

Glenn Stewart

I'm totally crushed right now! WTF is going on?! Really Nikita?! Girl bye!!!