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Cynthia Jehl

The way they used Lee’s song from Boys don’t cry when Chen was walking away 😂😂 perfection!!! I can't believe we only have one episode left, going to miss this series so much... Mikhael and Fifa are so cute together, Mikhael’s reaction when Fifa kissed his cheek and he was so guiddy 🥰❤️ so adorable !!!! Also, the way Mikhael always says "fuck" when caught by Tina 😆😆 I hope Mikhael and Fifa will get to be together in the final episode, it’d be really sad if they don’t. I don't really agree with you saying Tina has no reason to hate Annie that much. It was not just the pregnancy but the fact that Annie said all these things to the reporters about Tina being such a handful and hard to work with anyone else than her, plus she said that Tina would also put an end to her career. So Annie basically ruined Tina’s chances at a solo career in that interview. But it was so long ago, and Tina has been really successful despite this, so hopefully they’ll talk and burry the hatchet. We’ll see. I’m so glad Annie and Chen reconciled in this episode ❤️ I really hope Annie doesn't decide to sell the club after everything every character went through to keep it going. Now that Prince Club closed, they’ll get their customers back so business should be ok. I just hope tensions between the boys with Kampan and Auto won’t cause too much problems.


I can't believe that someone said that no decent women wouldn't go to a place like that, I didn't know we where in the 1800s, people with that type of mentality probably say am not Homophobic am a Ally, but as soon as someone from there family members become part of the LGBTQIA community they start having a issues about it


You’re right. First episode was so long ago, that I barely remember all that went down. 😂 I can’t wait to see how they wrap everything up. 💛

jdkkw Li

Javi! I wondered if you were interested in new series from gmmtv called “Ps I hate u”,it’s so dramatic and I love it!!

Cynthia Jehl

Totally second that recommendation !!! So good, Lee and Guy are both in it too !

Cédric Bardoux

I am so invested in this series also !!! So much angst I could break my screen screamnig...