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Vice Versa Ep6


Cynthia Jehl

This series keeps getting better each new episode ! I am so invested in the story and them as a couple (hopefully soon!!!). I feel sad because last week I had a theory about Joob and Dol being each other's portkey but not realising it because they were too focused on the other travellers rather than themselves. This episode Dol says she hoped Joob was her portkey and she loved her 😭 so heartbreaking... I was so shocked by Joob’s death, honestly did not expect it at all... I’m also scared for Puen and Talay (and Tun and Tess), please don't be foreshadowing.... The intro scene was so cute but then we find out it was all in Puen’s imagination lol, well if we wanted confirmation about Puen liking Talay, we got it now (not that we needed it). And Talay is definitely opening up more and more to Puen and the possibility he might have feelings for him (research for a movie, right, you don't fool anyone). There were so many moments this episode and it was all so good! Love that we already have Friend Credits back (dramatic idiots) and can't wait to see them work together again. And all the moments with Puen and Talay ❤️❤️❤️ the chemistry between Jimmy and Sea is so natural and beautiful. The scene when they were bickering about where to place the camera gave me such strong Pat and Pran vibes lol, because they kinda did the hitting as flirting lol and even the strangling when we remember their last memorable scene on Pat’s balcony 😉😏 Also the preview with Puen wearing Talay's shirt because it smells like him, that is just like Pat too ! I laughed when you recognised Tawi’s actor in Not Me 😆 The preview for next episode looks so good!! I hope they're not misleading us with the kiss! I have a feeling the date reference might be with Pang and it's the friends misunderstanding. Can't waited for next week. I loved this episode and it's so fun rewatching it with you afterwards 😊😊

Cédric Bardoux

Actually, if we got here a foreshadowing of a sad ending, I think it would magnify the series. All the ingredients here are perfect for a tragedy and I believe some story are better with a sad ending than a good one.


This episode had my emotions all over the place. The whole episode was so cute and just had me all giddy up until the part where Joob passed away. I was bawling my eyes out. My heart broke for Dol. Unfortunately i can imagine what it's like to lose the one you love, and it actually triggered my grief, as it was recently that he passed. I also agree that they better not be foreshadowing a death, because honestly I don't know if I could take it lol. As always, love your reactions!!

Kayla Freeman

If this story has a sad ending I will literally not be able to cope

Wanitta D Belleh

Thinking back , the most obvious sign was them making the video for new universe travelers. She won't be able to do it herself, so they incapsulated her thoughts on universe traveling in the video.