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Yes you right for the end


Look the theory and explication, it’s very interesting. When he cut hair etc

nikki l.

this is one of those movies that makes you sit and think about for hours on end lol also about the end, 2:20:45 this is exactly what i was thinking! glad to know i wasn’t the only one… i definitely agree with you about the first half of this movie, it was a little slow and confusing ish but the second half was what hooked me to finish it! btw i seriously recommend going back and rewatching it, there are many little things that don’t really make sense watching it the first time around but after finishing the movie and rewatching, they make sense.


1 interpretation of the eraser scene is it represents Minato's inner conflict. He initially writes Yori's name for an assignment about who they want to marry in the future, but hesitates to erase it when alone, contemplating freedom from societal pressure. When his mother returns, he feels compelled to erase it, symbolizing conformity.


in Jamaica se call those fruits like guinep