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Yang like cats too, in the room you can see that


J’aime aussi la façon que Yang a vu la relation de Phumjai et de son frère, c’est pour ça qu’il lui a demandé de l’appeler grand frère.


daouoffroad have such amazing chemistry and relationship that they even got show written for them bc of it


I think they wanted Daou to wear the wig because it fits the character Yang more than the buzzcut. I like the buzzcut, too, but I think the wig was a good decision in this case. I wrote some more about his hair in the (way too long) comment I left below your reaction to episode 1. 😊


yes they are living together

Jessi Lovely

When Tammi and Phumjai met it reminded me of when I went to Thailand and a girl sat next to me while I was watching the water festival go by at a small outdoor restaurant. We spoke using basic words in Thai, English, but mostly Google translate. She showed me around the city and grabbed my hand at first so we didn’t get separated as the festival got more crowded as the afternoon wore on. We got water guns and had too many beers and I got blisters from walking so far in closed shoes that inevitably got wet. She walked me to my accommodation and we met up the next day. She took me to temples, gardens, we even took a boat across the water. By this time we were just holding hands out of habit. We were chasing each other in the garden, pointing at things and saying what they were in our language and as I was half a foot taller I picked her up to get flowers that were falling from the trees. She picked one and put it in my hair saying I was “suai” (beautiful). She loved my hair because you don’t see big curly hair in Thailand often 😊 We had kissed the first night but we were both kinda drunk and yes, girls do be like that sometimes 😂 In Thai there’s more gender-neutral words so you can say “faen” to mean boyfriend/girlfriend, or be more specific by adding “num” or “sao” at the end. Using the translator she’d asked if we were “boyfriends” and I said no, we’re “faensao”. The way she smiled and danced around 😂 🥰 We ended up spending all our time together as she showed me new places, took me to the good local food places (she got me the real spicy stuff 😋) and we lounged by the water watching boats with her head on my lap so I could play with her hair (she had amazing waist-length hair that was super straight and black). Because we couldn’t communicate that well and using Google was tiring, we would just look at each other a lot. The country was so welcoming with people smiling at us and throwing hearts at us with their hands, it honestly felt like a cheesy movie 😂 very different from home, where I couldn’t even tell my parents who are religious about แก้ม (gaem, her name, which means “cheek”. A lot of jokes and moments you can make from that word, “kiss cheek”, etc lmao) Eventually she had to go home look after her mom who I met over FaceTime and I stayed on to see different parts of the country. So that’s my story of my gay Thailand romance in April ❤️ I’ve continued learning Thai and maybe one day I’ll see her again. Anyway, that scene brought me back 😂

Ariel Arnold

I was going to say, omg girl how did you not fall in love? I would have been smitten.