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Hey Individuals,

We know you are busy sitting there. So there will be no Fighting Boys tonight because TJ is a scammer who never took an RV trip. These scammers said they’d do it this Sunday, November 12th instead. But I wouldn't believe these lying scammers. 


Jeffrey Searcy

What a surprise, somebody call Time Cop and have him mollywop TJ

tyler archer

Where's the rv trip around America, amazing athiest


I'm headed to TJ's house right now to get this all sorted out


Some individual had a soiled pants situation


Lame. Enjoy your taco jeetay.


Goddamn scammers. I expect, at the very least, a RV trip across the United States for my $7 per month. Bert Kerne was right about yous guys.

Brad The Patreorn

Where's the RV trip across Afghanistan Cheejay