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Responding to Vaush's Crusade Against Sugar, Anti-Drug PSAs, Cartoon Nostalgia



Vaush disgusts me with every fiber of my being. If he went down the road of, "This crap food should have warning labels similar to cigarettes," I could possibly get behind that. Because people don't really know HOW BAD this stuff is for you


Most dietary 'choices' are the result of profit motive determining food availability. Plenty of food deserts where your [only] option is fast food or a Dollar General. Most people know that it's unhealthy.

Rodney Little

I disagree with a lot of Paul's criticisms of Vaush, but the whole crew was on point with this one. If I wanna stuff my body with unhealthy bullshit, that's no one's business but my own. The drug analogies were apt. Very excited for tomorrow's talk!

Poop Poop
