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Kara Michelle

I think I've seen this show one too many times when I see 2x10 go '"Oh Rhonda Diana Jake and Trent" without a second thought. Also worth noting the guy who called Chidi Trent is KBs real life husband

Cynthia Jehl

Another great episode! Love Eleanore's joy when she relaises she can swear again XD Jason and Tahani don't seem to struggle fiiting in lol but poor Chidi... Janet's struggle was funny too when she hif the glass of water and then had a back up one XD I agree when you said all the characters are so well written, it's so true. Jason using the molotov cocktail to help their escape, perfection!! Also, little easter egg, when they arrive at the train station, there's a poster of Pirates of the Caribean, and later there's the joke about Johnny Depp from Tahani. Love little details like that. Mikael sacrificing himself, after Eleanore jokingly told him to be careful at the beginning of the episode, and then this... This show knows how to tug on the heart strings... I'm excited for the next reaction.