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Megan Linart

I like this episode to an extent mainly because this is clearly a metaphor for the rape culture at frats and frat houses. From the cult-like vibe, spiking of their drinks, and hazing as well. I like again how the enemies are actually just humans which lends a sense of unease to the whole thing. I always appreciate it when Buffy does this. Also, Cordelia was so funny in this episode, I like that she literally has her own friends but still manages to weasel her way into these funny situations with the gang. Lastly, the father-daughter dynamic between Buffy and Giles continues to be the highlight for me. I love their relationship, and they recognize their faults with each other. These past two eps are the weakest episodes of season 2 in my opinion which really speaks to the quality of season 2! I'm SO excited for the next ones they are a treat to watch.


The thing about vampires and age is not only about looking young. In this universe whenever someone gets turned into a vampire you could say they get frozen on time, not only physically but mentally as well. The demon that takes over keeps the mental state the human had when he/she died. They might become more experienced with centuries passing by, but it's really difficult for them to actually change much. So even if Angel is more than 200 years old, mentally he's still 26. Hope that makes sense. Of course it would still be a huge age gap with Buffy who is 16 though. The demon of this episode represents a penis XDDD His name was Makita like the drills brand. That's why chopping him off was the way to kill him, LOL! Thank you so much, Liam!! And I love every single one of your reactions to my Cordy!! XDDD