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This is "UNCUT MERLIN 5x12 REACTION" by Chaosleaf on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Megan Linart

No ready to ruin my life watching this ep again 😭😭

Cynthia Jehl

Even though I know this episode by heart, I was not ready to watch it again... You wished you knew the show when it aired but this episode aired on Christmas Eve and let me tell you, it ruined my christmas..... Now you know why we can't move on from the show.... I totally understand your mixed feelings about the finale and I agree with most of what you said. Not sure if you know, they were supposed to get a 6th season but for some reason the creators of the show decided to remain at 5 (BBC was more than ready to have another season). But from the many interviews I've read, it was clear that they had a plan of 5 season from the start (if you re-watch the show, season 1 is basically foreshadowing a lot of what happens in the season 5 finale). But it's weird, because up to episode 9, it does feel like they changed their mind and decided to go with a 6th season, but it was also around the time episode 9 aired that it was revealed season 5 was the last season. So I don't really know what happened, maybe all the main actors only signed up for a 5 seasons contract and didn't want to do more or it was the creators decision. But the result, is that the end of the season is rushed and there are many unsatisfying things about it... For a time, there were talks of a movie in modern times with Arthur's return, but it never happened (there a still petitions to this day for it, but I don't really think the actors would all agree, and a movie with a different cast doesn't interrest me). Still, I love this episode for the focus on the main part of the show : Merlin and Arthur. Their bond is what made me fall in love with the show in the first place. I still remember hesitating watching the show but I friend showed me a compilations of their scenes and I really enjoyed it. And of course, their very first interraction is so memorable, I absolutely love it! When Merlin finally tells Arthur, it is such a good scene, the acting is just absolutely heartwrenching, especially Colin. Each time I thought about a magic reveal scenario, I always wanted it to be emotional and with Merlin telling or showing Arthur. And this scene did both so it was really good. But it happened way too late... We should have had the reveal in the season 4 finale and then season 5 would have been the developpement of the aftermath. We don't really know how Arthur would have reacted if he wasn't dying (I'm sure that Arthur knew he wouldn't make it by the half of the episode). But as much as I wanted more, I still think they did a good job showing Arthur go through different stages before accepting Merlin's magic. He went from shock and fear, to anger, to misunderstanding to slowly putting things together about all the times Merlin was there and stuff magically happened, to acceptance to being grateful and in awe of Merlin. Was it rushed? Yes. But both Colin and Bradley did an incredible job making us feel everything their characters was feeling throughout the episode. I love the little throwback to their fight in the market place (but they got it wrong, that was their second meeting not the first) and how Arthur learns that Merlin cheated in that fight. Then we have the scene when Arthur asks why Merlin never told him and it has to be one of my favorite scenes of them in the entire show. Because, while listening to Merlin, Arthur finally gets it, you can just see in the way he looks at him. And we also get Merlin finally telling Arthur how proud he is to have been able to serve all these years and looking at it now, he wouldn't change a thing. It's so far from the Merlin who was ready to quit his destiny after Arthur sacked him in 1x02. We've been on this journey with them and their scenes are such beautiful love letter to their time together in the entire show. But in the end, it definitely leaves us wanting more. How amazing would it have been to have them fight side by side, Merlin with his magic and Arthur with Excalibur? Another little detail I love in the scene I just mentioned, is how the love theme is playing and we see them look at each other so in awe of each other, especially Arthur. When I watched the episode with my mom (who had only watched a few of the entire show) she was convinced that they would kiss in that scene. Another thing I love in the episode is Gwen figuring it out by herself. Out of all the main cast, I always was convinced that she'd be the one to guess about Merlin. I just wish we had a scene of Merlin and her afterwards... Things that are disspointing and/ or rushed : - Mordred. You are absolutely right about that. It's really a shame that he did not get more scenes and developpement in the season. The way he just became an ennemy in the end was just too fast and did not make sense with how he acted earlier in the season. I get that Kara was the love of his life (although, that was so rushed too) and that he wanted revenge. But for him to just completely turn cold and not even hesitating stabbing Arthur, just doesn't work. Their fight was also disappointing, I expected him to use magic on Arthur (since Arthur is so well known for being the best swordsman in the land) and have an epic battle with him, have Merlin intervenne and help Arthur (from afar or next to him). Arthur hesitating to fight off Mordred makes a bit more sense, he considered him a friend, a little brother almost and I don't think he wanted to kill him, but he did anyway because Mordred was a threat to his people. Mordred's death is underwhelming but I'm still staisfied that it's Arthur who killed him with Excalibur. - Gwaine dying.... I'm still not over it.... This episode takes no prisonners, but Gwaine dying is just too much. Gwaine and Percival going after Morgana was a risky move. I totally get it, and it's so in character but still, I can't help but wonder if they hadn't gone, Morgana would have remained there and not found out about Arthur's true destination.... Even Eoin Macken is in denial about Gwaine's death. For him, Gwaine wasn't dead when Percival left him. He was found by druids who helped him heal. But the consequences of Morgana using the Nathair on him was that he lost his memories and has no idea who is. For Eoin, Gwaine is chilling in a cottage somewhere, - Morgana. I could rant for days about how the writers did her wrong in this episode and the rest of the season... Until the end of the season, I was still hoping for her to be redeemed. In the legend, Morgana is the one to take Arthur to Avalon, and it would have been really great to see that, in the end, she'd make peace with Merlin and Arthur and she'd agree to take Arthur to Avalon where he could be revived. One thing I like is that it's Merlin who kills her. He almost did kill her twice after all in season 2 and 3. It's quite fitting that he's the one to give her the mortal blow. I also like that he takes responsibility for her tunring against them (but it's too late). The death is too rushed though, especially for such a great character and threat in the show. You definitely feel like the writers were rushing through scenes to get to the ending. Morgana deserved so much better. One thing that could have made her death scene better would have been to see Merlin giving her a proper burial as well. In my headcanon, Merlin stayed by the lake for days after Arthur's funeral. And Percival found him there and together they gave Morgana a proper funeral as well. I think Merlin would have struggled with it but knowing Arthur still cared about her as a sister, he would have done it for him (just like everything else in his life was always for Arthur). Arthur dying was something both expected and unexpected. Like you, I was hoping until the last moment that he would survive. But when you re-watch the show, there's so much foreshadowing about his death being inevitable, season 5 alone just kept talking about the prophecy of his death.... Also, Arthur dies in the legend, he falls at Camlan just like in this episode (although there are so many versions and not all of them are with Mordred killing him). But still, seing it happen was devastating... I think Arthur knew he was dying about halway into the episode. The way he's espcially kind to Merlin, even joking with him until the end, but he knew. Especially the scene when he tells Merlin he wants him "I want you to always be you", words that Merlin has been hoping for since season 2 (I"I just want Arthur to trust me and to see me for who I really am"). And when he asks Merlin to just hold him as he goes is still the most heartbreaking scene in the entire show for me. Arthur saying thank you to Merlin is so meaningful, Arthur is saying so much more than just thank you in that moment. Merlin was different, he was so determined to save him that he was in denial until Kilgharrah told him it was too late. The scene when we see Merlin holding Excalibur, I feared he would use it on himself and commit suicide (and a lot of people thought the same). I thinks there is a little flicker of hesitation in that particular moment before he decided to give it back to Arthur for when he returns. I think the only thing that helps Merlin is Kilgharrah telling him Arthur will rise again. It gives him a little hope. But the scene when he has to say goodbuy is so heartbreaking (I'm tearing up just thinking about it). Merlin loves Arthur so much and he's full on sobbing. Tiny details that also translates how crushed Merlin is, the way he hesitates saying the spell to send Arthur away and the fact that he doesn't burn the body (like he did for Freya and Lancelot). And if you parallel that scene with the one in season 2 when Arthur told him "no man is worth your tears." and Merlin anwered "You're certainly not".... Just too heartbreaking.... The haunting music in that scene is also so heartbreaking, and how it pans to the scene of Gwen's corronation.... The episode ends on such a tragic and hopeless ending, no wonder it ruined Christmas.... And if that was not enough (I was such a mess at this point already), we see old Merlin in modern day still waiting for Arthur who is yet to return.... Way to completely crush us one last time.... This ending is why it's so hard to move on from the show. Fortunately, we have really talented people in the fandom and we got so many great reincarnation/ Arthur returns fanvideos, fanfics, fanarts... My personal headcanon for Merlin after this episode is that he did not return to Camelot after Arthur died. He still watched over it from afar thanks to one of the chrystals from the cave. But Gwen's reign is a peaceful one, Albion is united just like it was foretold in the prophecy. Gwen married again after a few years of grieving for Arthur, she chose Leon (this season gave them a few moments that got some people starting to ship them) and they had a few children together. Merlin satyed with his mother Hunith for a few month after Arthur's death, she helped him grieve, before moving on to live with the druids and help with spreading the news that magic was no longer forbidden after Gwen lifted the ban as her first act as Queen. Merlin returned to Camelot to sit at Gaius's deathbed, and later on Gwen's. After all his friends from Camelot passed away, Merlin travelled the world to gain as much knowledge from it for Arthur's return. Merlin also summoned Aithusa to him and made peace with her after being so angry at her for being the reason Arthur died. She stays with him until her very last breath when magic starts to disappear from the world leaving Merlin completely alone. Flash forward to thousands of years in the futire when we see the last scene with Merlin still waiting and finally feeling Arthur about to return. Yep it's a pretty sad headcanon but it's really hard being hpeful after the show ending like that... What a journey it has been for you. I really enjoyed every single reactions. I also really appreciate the exchanges each time our read part of the comments. I definitely enjoyed writing them. I'm going to share links in a different comment so it's easier for you to explore each link ;)

Cynthia Jehl

As promised, here are the links to some fandom material from the show ;) - My playlist especially made to help people cope after having watched the finale : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMTROr5wIAg&list=PLtF-oP_YeLeOkaeufNYFE2DI0zrkK-r1Y It's a compilation of videos from absolutely heartbreaking to the crackiest of content. There's also bits of the behind the scenes with outtakes, video diaries, some great fan tributes to the show (I included a few of my videos as well). The Real Merlin and Arthur documentary : Part 1 : https://youtu.be/8s9DUjprkEM Part 2 : https://youtu.be/xbfucZ2s0pE Part 3 : https://youtu.be/AuxiTOh5URU The documentary was filmed after season 2 wrapped up. We're following Colin and Bradley on a road trip through Wales on the traces of the real Merlin and Arthur. It's really enjoyable to watch and has a few interresting things about the legend. Plus the boys on a road trip is just like Merlin and Arthu travelling together :P One of my favorite review from the finale (and season 5 a bit) : https://www.hypable.com/a-merlin-retrospective-the-platonic-love-story-of-merlin-and-arthur/ One of my favorite fanartist in the fandom : Laopendragon (Merthur fanarts but not just that) Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/laopendragon/ A beautiful "Arthur returns and reunites with Merlin " : https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmv2F_YhWsi/ She also made a few Doctor Who/Merlin crossover art that really makes me wish they had done a crossover while the show was still airing.... Now you can also look at all the memes (the fandom is full of them XD), my personal favortie is the oblivous character memes, espcially oblivious Arthur XD https://cz.pinterest.com/cechova1/oblivious-arthur/ But basically if you type "Merlin memes" you'll just have the joy of finding all of them XD Well, that's it for the links. I hope you'll enjoy them :)


Ahhhh we’re finally here😭 Watching Arthur die kills me all over again haha. I absolutely loved the bits between him and Merlin. They were the only parts the episode I was really focused on. On one hand I love that Arthur found out on his deathbed but I also hate it because of the wasted potential. Either way regarding the reveal this episode it was handled the best way it could’ve been. Arthur’s reaction was believable. In his head he had a set idea of who Merlin was. Only to find out he was so wrong. Sure at his core Merlin is the same but he’s a lot wiser and smarter than he lets on. It’s a huge lie and not counting Arthur’s upbringing. I think I’d react the same if I was Arthur. But his slow acceptance was perfect. “I want you to always be you” was everything Merlin needed to hear. But all the other things this episode wow it was rushed. It feels like the writers were prepping for a sixth season and got the news that their contract would not be renewed. So they were planning on the Gwen storyline to be the focus of S5 and Mordred to be turned into a villain by the end to prepare for S6 as the war. Kind of like Morgana’s turn. It was too late for them to rewrite all the Gwen stuff so they had to rush the Mordred-Arthur-Merlin-Morgana stuff. It’s the only way I can make sense of how rushed this entire last stretch was. They’ve been setting up Mordred and Morgana for so long only to fail at the end and it doesn’t make sense. Usually Merlin is really good when it comes to evil turnings like Morgana but Mordreds turn was clearly OOC. They did so well it’s Uthers death which was shocking and emotional and moved the plot but Elyan, Mordred and Morgana seemed like afterthoughts. For Morgana I would’ve loved a hint of her humanity at the end. Some villains should be pure villains but I don’t think Morgana should be one of them. It would’ve been nice if she had stayed with Arthur as he died, had a real conversation with him and cried after his death. At the end of the day they are family and were great friends. Merlin could then kill her after after saying he can’t trust her to change. Or he could have left with Morgana into a secluded area so he could look after her and make sure she doesn’t harm anyone again. And that would be reason for him to never return to Camelot again as his new duty is with Morgana. Instead of having late night meals with Gaius we could get one final shot with Merlin and Morgana eating😂 I could rant for days about all the wasted potential for this season and how the could’ve come to the same conclusion with a bit more development but I’d be here for days. Another thing about Arthur’s death is it was foreshadowed long before the prophecy. The dragon has always called Arthur the once and future king. Throughout the show you think it means he’ll be the king when Uther dies but it’s actually literal. He was the king once when Uther died and he’ll be the king in the future when Albion’s need is greatest and he rises. Another theory is that for Albion and Camelot to be this great kingdom Arthur and Merlin needed to be pushed out. They’ve done all the work to get to this point but they can’t see it actually flourish.

Megan Linart

Merlin as a whole for me was such a gem of a series. Im the type of person who really has a hard time getting into fantasy in tv or film but if it can grip me im usually okay. Merlin just was so special from its lovely characters and their great dynamics with each other, to the fun antics and sad times they went through together. I really enjoyed the lore and learning about the world and universe through the show. The history in it was always fascinating and fun to watch. Watching it with you has been so fun and im going to miss the series dearly :') Excited for you to begin Hannibal, but man im going to miss merlin.