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Hi all,

Today we have my biggest (in terms of line count) plugin to date: a quest system. It allows you to have a full quest system including categories of quests, sorting of quests by different categories (right now, type/difficulty/location/length), pinning quests to the top of the list, failing and completing quests, automatic and manual tracking of quest objectives, as well as an easy drag+drop method of changing which elements in the quest log display and in what order they display in.

Furthermore, there are also 2 additional scenes: (1) A quest accept scene, where the player can accept or decline a single quest and see a preview of the quest and (2) a quest board scene where the player will see a short blurb about multiple quests which they can accept from the quest board. Accepted quests will be removed from the board.

Edit 8/8/2021: Minor bugfixes so the plugin works even without changing any of the default parameters.

Edit 10/6/2021: Bugfix for quest board window height being based off screen width instead of height.

Edit 1/5/2022: Bugfix to get quest automatic tracking working properly when accepting the quest from the quest board scene.

Edit 9/1/2022: Update to add some new things. New plugin commands, Get Quest Status which sets a variable to whether the quest is discovered, started, completed, or failed and Get Quest Stage which puts the current quest stage into a variable, for use in eventing. There are now color options for the Recommended Level color in the list window, for example you can make it a deep red if the recommended level is 5 levels higher than the party, or green if it is a few levels below the party which can help the player know if the quest will be easier/harder for their level. Also added a new parameter to quests, Board Switch, which allows you to control when quests appear on the quest board scene (if switch OFF, the quest won't appear).

Edit 9/12/2022: Fixed a bug with auto-tracked stages potentially advancing multiple stages at once. Update to make rewards no longer display if the quest has no rewards.

Edit 3/9/2023: Update to be compatible with CGMZ Core v1.8.0.

Alpha Update May 3, 2023: This update adds a plugin command to get an objective's progress. It also adds an optional "title" window above the quest board scene, that can display a line of text. This title window is not mandatory and will not be shown if there is no text to display there (set via the plugin command to call the quest board scene).

This update also adds some customization options becoming standard in my other plugins, such as the option to choose a windowskin for each quest scene window, show the list window on the right, use up the Touch UI space at the top if Touch UI is disabled, and how wide the list window is.

Lastly, this update fixes numerous bugs that were discovered since last update. The Sort window would have weird cancel behavior if it was called by pressing the S key without the list window being active, which has been fixed. There was also a crash that could occur if not using Touch UI and cancelling from the sort window. Finally, there were some rare cases where an objective's progress could be NaN (not a number), which caused some display errors for quest objective progress which has hopefully been fixed.

Alpha R2: Hi all, this plugin has been updated to Alpha R2 today 🎉! The big news here is that categories now have an icon parameter, which can help your player quickly recognize certain types of quests. Of course, since categories can be 4 different types (category, length, difficulty, location), the category icon will only display when that category type is relevant.

One area which the new category icon can display is the new Legend window for the Quest Board scene. It is optional to include in your quest board scene, and looks like this:

It can handle as many categories as appear on the quest board, but will start making the text quite small to accommodate many categories. In the future, I may make this window scroll if there are a certain amount of categories to display.

Besides the visual updates, some quality of life features that have been requested were also implemented. You can now have a switch turn ON automatically whenever a quest is started. There are parameters to change the header line gradient color in the quest log scene. You can hide gold/exp rewards if they are 0. The Quest Accept scene now optionally supports the cancel bind, instead of forcing the player to select Accept or Decline.

There was also a bug fixed with the list window, where text could overflow the window. Finally, the plugin now uses the icon selector ui for icon properties.

This update adds Toast Manager integration. Now you can show toast windows when a quest is discovered, started, completed, or failed. You can also show a toast window when an objective is completed.

This update also adds a quality of life improvement, the option to automatically turn a switch on when an objective is completed. This should hopefully make eventing around the quest system easier.

This update adds the option to automatically cause a quest to become unpinned if it is failed or completed.

This update also fixed a few bugs, such as a crash when trying to turn a switch on after completing an auto-tracked objective, and a bug with the display window not scrolling if it was displaying a long category description. This update also makes it so that invalid JSON as a result of incorrectly set up plugin parameters will not warn in the dev tools console instead of crash.

Finally, this update makes it so that you no longer need to fill out the Category Sort Order parameter to get your quests to show in the quest log. Previously, this was the sole way the plugin knew which order to show the categories in, and if they were not listed in this parameter they would not be shown. This also caused quests to not show because the quests are tied to the category. Now, the plugin will show categories in this parameter first in the order they are listed, but it will also then show any categories not included in this parameter as well.


Puppet Knight

Hey hey, subscribed just for this ^_^. Any plans to have a tracker that appears on the Map that players can track their pinned quests of their choosing? Would be a great QOL add in

Casper Gaming

Hi, yes I will be making one. Initially I planned to save it for CGMZ HUD, but due to the size of that plugin eventually I realized it would go against my typical more modular approach to require such a large extra plugin just for a quest tracker on the map scene. Also because CGMZ HUD has been taking a long time to make due to the size 😅. So I am now working on the on-map quest tracker as a part of CGMZ Quest System that doesn't require another plugin.


I cannot seem to get this plugin to work. I created a quest and have an npc Start it using the plugin command. When I go into the Quest screen though it doesn't show up. Is there a video or example project with this plugin in set up by any chance?

Casper Gaming

Hi, it seems you already received help from the Discord, but just to clarify what was going wrong is that you need to add any category that can show up in the window to the Category Sort Order parameter. Otherwise the plugin won't know where that category should display, so it will skip displaying it. Quests are tied to their category, so if the category doesn't show up then the quest also can't show up.