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 Hey guys!

I want to start this post by saying that this is a very important message so please read it all, I’ll try to keep it short and simple.

Milfy City

There will be a lot of changes starting the new month along with the game release schedule. Due to a lot of bad circumstances that I won’t even bother to write about, the process of producing this game will change. Maybe for the better, maybe for worse, it’s all up to you to decide. The general plan has not changed and version 1.0 will be released this year with all the basic content and storylines finished. (Without additional/not main characters.)

So what does that generally mean? It means that in the next month we will start releasing the updates in increments and the first one will be version 0.71. The naming of each version will be different depending on the size of the update, so the second update in July can be called v.0.75. The bigger the update the bigger the version number difference up until it finally gets to version 1.0

Release version 0.71 on 14th July

Starting in the month of July the game will be updated every two weeks. The first update of the game will be on the 14th then on the 31st. The promised minimal sizes of each update will be 200 images and 20 animations, but that doesn’t mean that the update can’t have 1000 images and 150 animations. I just want to disclose the amount of content we can put into the game within that time frame. This first month will also be a test of how it will work and how we can change things to improve and to release an even bigger amount of content in the future.

What to expect in that update?

For now, I can’t say, since we have to change a lot of things. I’ll start posting information and previews after version 0.71 on what to expect next leading up to 1.0

Will I still be quiet and post rarely?

Nope. My attitude changed dramatically. Since I can’t work at my own pace and when I’m quiet people think that I’m not working, not creating anything. Maybe it’s stupid but that made me feel very upset. I’ll now be very active here and on Discord which I encourage you to join :)

One more thing

There will be more moderation here and on the Discord. Criticism is good, pointing out my mistakes also but insulting and swearing will not be tolerated and will end up with a permanent ban even on here.

Okay, I think that’s most of the important information :) I hope that most of you will like this change and those who don’t can wait a few months till the release of version 1.0

As always - Thank you all again for your continued support! :)




Good to hear your around hope all is well and cant wait

Nacho L18R3

Great hearing from you, Icstor! Can't wait to see the next release!


With respect, that's all fine and dandy, but you're being paid for a product. You're being paid a significant amount of money for a product. That you have consistently failed to deliver. So forgive me if I don't have sympathy for you for being criticized for being quiet and "not being able to work at my own pace". At the absolute bare minimum, you owe your patrons a post a month about what's going on with development.


We have a stated date. Awesome


Less goooo


Finally!!! Thank you so much for letting us know what’s going on! I hope you do keep your word on being more active and keeping us up to date with the information around Milfy City! I’m looking forward to your future updates


Did you hire more animators to help you with the game if so congrats cause now you prob could relief some of the stress and workload, if you are still working alone, i dont think it would be too great for you to put through a much more intense schedule just to appease to some of the people. All i hope is you stay healthy and keep up the good work in a long run. Bless you man.


Thank you so much for the date and the work you guys put in. Sorry some people forget life is a thing. Keep up the good work and thank you for all you guys do

76 Yankee 10

Good for you... We don't want to listen to trolls either. Glad to hear you're moving on.


As Frank said, thanks God we have a stated date. And "if it's up to us", I would ask that no character goes without their share of sex (basically fucking, but open to other possibilities). I'm used to waiting, so a few more months won't hurt.


Well. A stated date. A whole month away. For 0.71 which was promised nearly a year ago. I have 0 faith this will actually get done.


I'm curious if it will work this time, now that a date has been set. That would be very gratifying.


I'm like 95% sure as well that it won't get done... but of it does hallelujah


words are cheap. We'll see what does or does not happen on July 14 and go from there.


That post is a bit strange and in certain parts sounds like framing words in your own ways ignoring reality. The very most people do understand the difficult personal situation and that with that content creating cant be planned. This said its not having no game updates what upsets people, but the lack of communication. With all respect: Writing a short monthly post about progress is a thing of 10 minutes. From my point of view it even isnt exactly work. It is more a thing of respect for the people supporting you. And even if you get offended by that, but there is no valid reason for not doing that, no matter the personal characteristics and circumstances. That all said i am curious how the new plan turns out. Doing smaller Updates surely could help.


Thank you for updating us amigo. We back in bizness baby!


"few months" != "years"


This is like the third time you've "things are changing, I'll post more! Updates are coming." Stop making long winded posts like this and just do the work you keep promising to do.


I hope all your updates will be free, that s what we deserve at least

Joseph Lynch

People can pay/donate or not. We all have choices. lol. It's good to keep ones word but life happens.


"We’re planning to start revealing one character per week for the new game starting next month, along with pieces of information for both games." according to your October 9th 2020 post sooo nothing on that? Something so easy as just COMUNICATION. It is just sad


We are upset for your lack of comunication and because you didn't keep your word everytime you promised regular news/updates.

Ryo Akashi

Calm down everyone


The sad part, it's a good game. The renders are top-notch. But, as others have said, I'll believe it when I see it.


People just want to know what’s going on, speaking for me personally no issues with you going at your own pace especially if it means when each update comes out it’s smooth sailing, just communicating regularly you’d be amazed how much it helps people understand what’s going on.


damn brother i'm praying for you. even tho it was annoying not getting an update for so long it just shows the seriousness of the things you are going through. no one would just throw one of the best 3d game and the many fans they worked hard to get just to get lazy. i just want you to know and i'm sure you are already aware of it, every site i go to your game is number 1 in everything and people are just upset because the game is that good. and if i can give you an advice as a fan please no more delays put it out even if it's minor stuff, delays kill the mood and when many it shift things from anticipation to annoyance to hate like you've seen for the past year. glad to see you pull yourself from that keep going looking for your next update and games


Its not about you doing it at your own speed, Its about you not talking to us. i mean making a post wont take that long. 20 min to just let us know what is going on... is that too much to ask for? I rather you take your time and make the game they way you want to make it. But Please just talk to us,


I know a couple of people who have had some serious issues with mental health problems, I know it can completely derail your life and make you feel like no one, not even family or medical people understands what the problem really is. As such the only advice I can give is pretty straghtforward, protect your mental health, make sure you enjoy what you are doing and doing what you want to do, not what other people try to push on you. Hopefully that way everyone wins, you can get more work done and we get a better story. Looking forward to the releases.


Please bear with me It’s 1am where I am and I’ve drank the best part of a bottle of vodka. I’ve been playing your games since the start, and I’ve had your back when others condemned you. I understand mental illness as I myself have PTSD from Iraq and watching my mother die I front of me, and I know that you can have weeks where you’re trapped inside your own head and can’t even think of doing anything. Try to set goals for yourself, like once a month to update us on what you’ve been doing, even if it’s not game related, and we’ll have your back. The biggest reason people are pissed is the lack of updates on progress. Little things like screenshots of your work and a brief description once a month would silence the haters. Your biggest downside is you are crap at predicting dates for release, don’t promise things like that, as people will hold you up to them, and get pissed off when you don’t deliver. Anyway I’m very drunk and I’m signing off Laters 👋


Man its good to hear from you, i still have hope for your game my dude😁


I never once thought you weren't working, it's been a shitty couple of years for everyone. I'd rather you take your time and get things right than rush to meet deadlines to make the noisy and impatient folks happy(spoiler they won't be, they just aren't happy people)


It was December 2019 when you announced the "big update" 0.7 for Jan 20. Now you say you'll give us a "small" update 0.71 for july. You told us that you'll give the update for free for the "old supporters", have we to wait for the final release in october 2035?


Your drunk assessment and advice is far better than most of the presumably sober ones found under ICSTOR's posts.


SaldrĂĄ para Android? Gracias


Everyone here is still supporting the development.... so I believe everyone here is still hoping Cool to get some news


Woo-hoo! So stoked to see what's to come :) Great stuff


Ele jĂĄ deixou claro em um Ășltimo post que nĂŁo tem essa possibilidade.


Looking forward to it :D

Arctic Alpha

Thanks for the info. Milfy City is the first one of this kinda games I've played and oh boy did it set the bar high. Can't wait for more.


i love this iron fist approach. Keep doing what you’re doing. Take your time. Even if you gotta do a little release update here and there til we get the big release. Remember you’re the one in control. Everything else in front of the curtain is just throwing constructive criticism on the stage.

Sven Recker

Nice that it now continues so intensively I'm glad that after the hard time now follows a phase of creativity and work. Of course, it is also nice that my trust was confirmed and after the first update in July I like to increase the amount


You are very strange person. When I start to think that you abandoned the project, you post some message about it. I wish that you at least post some picture and say that you alive once in the month


I’m excited! You are quite the badass good sir! I hope you are doing alright and I wish you well!


Idk if it's just me but the energy I got from this update looks positive. I hope it's true and that you stick to your schedule. I look forward to more of these energetic updates


Its Great that you will be more active but remember yourself. Your game is great! and we support you!


I trust this time will be different, lets wait and see


I trust this time will be different, let's wait and see


I have been waiting for this game to be released very patiently and I am happy to hear you haven't forgotten us.


Glad to hear you're dropping the banhammer. Some people seriously need to chill. You do amazing work and don't need to be attacked while trying to provide.


Banning people for valid criticism is really extreme. Being completely silent for 3 months shouldn't go unnoticed, people at least want an update on the project they're funding


I want to see Linda in action in the next update please 🙂🙂


this is a happy day for me


i just joined the parteon and want to join the discord but its saying the link is invalid or expired. help plz


uhhm i just joined the parteon and want to join the discord but its saying the link is invalid or expired. anyone know what to do??


Year after year of untold lies.When will we see the update, my friend


Please don't deceive us any more.We've seen this many times.


Hope we will have it soon :D

Miles flac

Does this picture mean ntr?

Spencer Thomas Randall

He literally said criticism is good and so is pointing out his mistakes. He said he'd only ban insults and swearing. You had to have read the thing to know he was banning, you just read what he said and decided to say the opposite was true anyway.


And when will it be available for android?


A very clear pattern is established here.


29 October 2019 - Version 0.7 I'm aiming to release this update in December (2019) - Q&A announced 18 November 2019 Q&A #1 "I can promise to post Q&A every two weeks and a small update about progress in it." 21 December 2019 - Q&A #2 (one month not 2 weeks) 30 January 2020 Q&A #3 (and last) - no 0.7 update 7 April 2020 - Sorry etc. and "In order to finish the game as I want, without being burned out I can’t make more than 4-5 updates. It’s just who I am. I like creating new stuff and new characters. It’s exactly then, at the beginning when I feel passion and I love creating it and I can work even all day without being exhausted. So, I decided that my future games will be separated into episodes. (For sure no more than four/five). No more creating versions 0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6 .etc Because in every next version I became less and less interested in the project." (now you are saying the opposite) 19 April 2020 - poll Milfy or new game 28 April 2020 - I'll work on 2 projects 22 May 2020- "If everything goes to plan we should release this update within the next month without any problem." 08 August 2020 "I still did not finish my part" of Milfy City 08 October 2020 New member "The team has had a conversation and decided to release the long awaited update to Milfy City this year along with the trailer for our next game “Project X”. The actual name will be revealed soon
 ^^ We’re planning to start revealing one character per week for the new game starting next month, along with pieces of information for both games. Well, I guess that’s it for today. Starting now, with Ash on board. News, messages and everything should go smoother. :) 16 November 2020 "Sorry for the delay this month. We know it’s not quite the first week of November...Until the next time!" (no more update) 21 December Milfy City:This should actually be good news for some of you. I’m planning to release a full version of this game next year. Yeah, almost all characters except some that did not have story content at all up to now. I can call it “version 1.0” as it will probably be the completed basic version, maybe I will add something more to it in the future in terms of post game content but time will tell. 19 March 2021 "Yes, there will be at least one main big update to Milfy City. I’m now working on the version 1.0 that will contain the main character routes through to the end. The release will be this year for sure, rather faster than later. The date that I can estimate for release is late May 2021, but that date is not certain as I don’t want to disappoint you all if I don't release the game in that estimated time frame but updates will follow if delays will occur." 20 June 2021 You changed your mind again, after a month of silence. I ask you, can we believe you this time? The supporters like me that supported you last year will have the game for free? Your words " Everyone that has supported or is supporting me now, since the beginning of this year will receive those updates for free. "

Legado Spartan

The boy was touched by the money, he tasted it and now he does not want to leave it, and so time will pass and this year version 1.0 will not be released


"I'll now be verry active here and on discord"... disappointing... that s all I ve got to say


What do you mean? I'm active, you can ask me whatever you want on discord in special channel for Patrons :)


O damn it, i am glad you replied, i did not expect an answer. You got my respect now, first time i see you being so comunicative. I am looking for an update, when will it come ?


How about getting it out earlier than 14th?


How exactly will the update work for those that have it installed already, will it be swapping out a file or will it be a completely new download


In the past it's been a matter of moving the save files over from the old installation to the new, I'd imagine it's still going to be the same


I would appreciate a link to the download of the game, thanks


Old save did work in new update?


Will there be some more teasers? Just to get the hype up :)


Hey man I’ve played some adult games and yours is by far the best when it comes to quality. So keep doing your thing bro, I know this stuff isn’t easy when you’re a very small team and have personal manners to juggle. Kids here think you’re Superman and have all the answers to your problems but what they don’t realize is that you don’t have all the answers and you can’t focus your attention on something when you’re too busy finding yourself or looking for those answers to your long term problems. Be safe brother.


I can't speak for anyone else but I am here specifically because I like the work of independent developers. But this means the work is done by one person or very few people. One person is mortal. Things happen to individual people. And when they are the whole team, delays happen. ICSTOR is doing good work.


2 days for the release, I CAN'T WAIT!!! Thanx for the amazing job Icstor, it's incredible!


Alright tomorrow is the day, let’s see if he stays true to his word!


Being in Australia and waking up realising you have to wait another day đŸ€ŁđŸ˜ą


I hope he releses at midnight


Looking forward to his 7/14 release


ICSTOR Please reply to my private message


14th July!!


When the update will come out?How many hours left?


Make it quick dude.We were waiting years for this day.LoL




I hope you will upload it today:)

Matt Vazquez

todays the day lets see if he was cappin

Nick wlkam

I completely understand that you have a life and all that goes into making something like this. But can you please tell all the impatient people spamming discord to chill? It’s blowing up my phone 😅


Nick you are really cool. Instead of acting like a tough guy turn off the notifications on your phone.😅 maybe. You are here, which means you are just as impatient as the other’s. Chill out for a sec, drop the act. Nobody looks up to you due to your irritating comments. Quite the opposite.

Nick wlkam

Since when was I acting tough? I was being understanding as well as respectful towards the guy making the game (in his own personal time mind you). I could care less if it comes out or not because it’s not up to us. How about you stop being so toxic to others and get yourself in check first.

Nick wlkam

I can’t tell if you’re being serious or just trying to meme billy but yeah agreed 😂

Billy Der'anged

YOLANDA CHILL,FOLKS!. Be patient, and do it quietly. capisce?. Or you' be sleeping with the fishes tonight }:-]

Billy Der'anged

Dont worry. im 99% dedicated to gaming and community. and everywhere i look, i see developers having hard time with community. Devs have their plans and ideas, community has ideas and so on. but point is. The game has better chances, if devs are comfortable in dealing with community. :)

Nick wlkam

Lmao those are actually very valid points I think gamers need to take a step back and maybe learn a bit on how a games made because frankly it’s quite hard.

Billy Der'anged

When i start to feel toxic. i write down some of the stuff, giving me, my own private collection of ridiculous haiku gibberish ;P Not just that. but lets put it this way. "i am working on a project, because i want/cause i can, And i do it with the knowledge and ressources i have at my hands, i appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE input from others, But telling me how to do MY project? really? dont tell me how to do my job, unless your my boss B-) "


Dude wheres the update


Another One Bites the Dust


wish i could post the spongebob meme '12 hours...later'


14th july 3033


im big sad rn, but hope still remains:))

Leon Hughes

He has always released updates around 6pm (EST). Everyone chill.




am i missing something, where can we DL .71?


Can someone tell me what happened?


Where is new update?


just back read 6pm ....ty


6 pm in which time zone??


H Y P E ! !



Kevin Hutton

OK 11 hours ago ICSTOR said 8 - 10 hours. Then someone said 6 so where is it I feel this patreon keeps honey dicking us. It's not just this event it's all the bad communication. didn't he hire someone to do PR yet still no updates

Chris Cat



So is this happening or not? there's been no real news and the day is about over. Does anyone know?


Out of respect, Please communicate with us and let us know :(


No, I believe that no information has been published. It's a shame...




"8-10 hours" uh huh, right... :D


Maybe there is a problem, who knows.


This guy has been laughing at us for years


On Fap-nation he said that is not coming till the end of the month cuz he lost passion in the game and lost focus

Nick wlkam

Post a link?


Watch this it wont even be at the end of this month either.... sigh


Today 😏


Im sorry but Im out. If it ever comes out, it will be available for free. I wanted to put money behind a project and support the artist but its really looking like a scam to me. I would love to be proven wrong and would be willing to again support the project financially but it doesnt appear that will be the case.


storm and electricity issues


He posted a couple times on discord this morning. At least he seems to be active

ForrĂł RichĂĄrd

Icstor i love the game im from europe is it today releasing?


Icstor, would you please communicate the issues to your supporters as you promised?

Nick wlkam

Me too Charles, I’ve given enough time, effort, and hope. I’m moving over to oppai man’s support group because they have communicated regularly, do polls, still update the game A lot , and are working on the next part


Certainly not, it should be out in 2019 and it hasn't happened until today.


I'm back and I'm really sorry for the small delay. Due to technical problems, the update will be released today.


"All of you who were my patrons at any point during this year up to now will receive the full version of Milfy City for free" what happened to this? Its just a question if it will come in the future or if you changed your mind


I guess I gotta wait 3 more days for the normal release


ya i ain’t paying 25$

Sar ayu

most creators use a higher tier for betas than standard game releases this is nothing new


Icstor can you send me the link to 0.71B? According to your previous commitment “ Every Patron backdated to January will receive the next update of Milfy City for free.” Thanks!

Kevin Hutton

I have been a patron for the past 2 years for $10 and now he wants $25 for something I was supposed to get for free. This is the biggest insult so far. I never even left even when he was meandering for 2 years. I guess I am the fool. Nice scam


On top of that you are deleting my comment when i am telling the truth, you should be ashamed.


$10 gets you Access to each game update previously tested by beta-testers. its beta "Milfy City v0.71b - BETA RELEASED" you need to wait until they are done testing "$25 Gets you Access to beta version three days earlier before the normal release!" So you need to wait 3 days for the normal release or pay to become a beta tester. But yeah i agree is a massive slap in the face.


When he said it would be out on the 14th he probably should have said it was the beta for $25 and free 3 days later.


So just to make sure the testing phase will be over sunday? and available to everyone else at that time is that correct? or is it sat since it was suppose to be released on the 14th? thanks.




I understand your frustration, I've also been pledging for a while. But I think he meant that we'll get free FULL version of the game, once done that means...


yeah i thought the same thing, you can't just take a year or more off and then with one midgy new update take 25$ while you said that the game for all players will be free...


Beta has always been available for 25$+ tiers only, and then three days later the game is available for the 10$ tier. That's always been the thing. And it was never "free for all players", but free for them who have been at least 10$ supporters in 2020.

Kevin Hutton

You can have my bow... I mean I'm out to


Icstor, its not really fair of you to delete comments like this. You stated in your post that you very much tolerate criticism. The dude above me didn' insult you in any form. He just gave his opinion.


Thank you Icstor.


Has the first part of the updates been released yet??


Will the $10 range be able to get the new game? Do you have a place where you explain who gets what?


I'm going to be completely silent and not release anything for over a year and then put out a tiny release and then moderate when people get upset, framing it as "when I am silent people think I am not working on anything." According to this release you literally did NOT work on anything when you were silent. Not sure where the confusion is for the hate that you might be receiving?


I already said what I think and the possible reason why he is acting this way. Icstor deleted my post.


"My membership" and then go through the tiers. There it explains what benefits and awards you're entitled to.


Which characters we will see in next version 0.75


Isn't this suppose to be free for all other patrons today? or will it be tomorrow?


What a surprise. It's now available to $10 patrons but still nothing for previous patrons.


So now it's available to $10 Patreons... *Sigh*


You have more than 7000 thousand subscribers who pay you So be the lowest level But it is something and even so it does not fulfill what it says that unfortunate


what is with "for all Supporters.." ?


3 Days after is gone like the other Deadlines. This is the Story of ICSTOR.


I'm waiting for updates on Milfy City as much as the next person. I've gone and read his previous post, and some people seem to have missed the part where he says and I quote "All of you who were my patrons at any point during this and last year will receive version 1.0 of Milfy City for free as a thank you...". This being only version 0.71, so i'm assuming that the next version after this is 1.0, and that is the version he will be sending out to ALL patrons.


You have missed this part. We have to wait months till the 1.0 will be released. "It means that in the next month we will start releasing the updates in increments and the first one will be version 0.71. The naming of each version will be different depending on the size of the update, so the second update in July can be called v.0.75. The bigger the update the bigger the version number difference up until it finally gets to version 1.0"


Maybe the game should be renamed to "Milky City"? That's what is happening to supporters of this patreon.


Okay. That's enough. Not going to pay ten dollars a month to see any progress and if this is ever finished. Good luck with finishing this and collecting ten dollars from people that are good with it.


what’s different in the update


Do you ever really and truly keep your world about anything you say? Are you serious? You specifically said those of us that have been subscribed (no matter the pledge) would get it for free and now we have to pay $10 with no explanation of why you went back on your word? Cant wait to hear your excuse on why you changed your mind with no warning (if you ever actually do). You do things like this and wonder why people are pissed at you, then have the nerve to act like people don’t have a right to be mad.


You clearly weren't paying enough attention to that post. It was stated that we would be getting the full version for free, in other words when 1.0 is released, not the incremental ones.


Will the next update still be on the 31st?


So update today?

not you

it says next update is only 90% done so doubt it


Any news on discord?


So it’s August 1st and NO updates! What a disappointment!


dude you must be blind, the update is right above this post


i can't contain my excitement!!


Will we have the caroline pregnant before patch 1.0 i really need this :)


im more excited about the harem stuff :O cant wait for that

Ryan Cote

I mean so much for not posting "rarely" we haven't seen an update on this patreon in 2 months. I know you had troubles with patreon but whats the timeline look like now?