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To all my Patrons in this new year. I hope that everyone is okay regardless of the global situation.

I guess it’s time to post some news and answer a few questions, but not as always with one or two sentences, I want to tell you everything in this post. I planned to do it a little earlier, but I wanted to finish the character I was working on so I can tell you more about her in this post.

I know you all want an answer to one question in particular “When will the next Milfy City update be released?”

In this post I will inform you about the current progress and possibly the release date, but please as always don’t take it at face value as a guaranteed date because it is not, everything can change in about a month, so it’s only my estimate based on current speed.

There will also be some new previews, but as always I tried to hide the best and show only but a little tease of the upcoming content.

I’ll also tell you a little about my silence from time to time, but that is rather personal and not related to the game so you can skip reading the answer to this question :)

So let’s begin, I think I will write a little more in this post than I usually do.

So what’s happening currently and if there will be any update to Milfy City?

Yes, there will be at least one main big update to Milfy City. I’m now working on the version 1.0 that will contain the main character routes through to the end. The date that I can estimate for release is late May 2021, but that date is not certain as I don’t want to disappoint you all if I don't release the game in that estimated time frame but updates will follow if delays will occur.

What about the progress?

It’s actually going quite good. I can now officially announce that the story/renders for Sara, Judy, Violet, and Lily are finished :) I’m still working on Caroline, Linda and Celia, but I’ve already finished more than 40% of content for those characters. The closest to finish now currently is Celia.

Will this be the last update?

To be honest I can’t answer this question right now. Regardless, I have some plans for the content that probably many of you will want to see after v1.0 so for this question I can answer “maybe”. It will depend on many factors in the future after the release, but mainly on my good mental health to do it, but lately I feel a lot better and I can work without stress :)

New previews?

Here you go. I picked the ones that I like and they're also sexy and don't spoil too much, also I skipped the ones that characters are just talking like in my last post :)

Android version?

As always many questions appeared in the last posts about an Android version. My answer will not change, this game will not be released on Android. I can only say that maybe a new game might in the future.

Why are you usually quiet about progress and post new posts rarely? Why has it been over a year since the last update? Are you OK?

I think that for a lot of you it’s nothing new that I have a mental illness, that I’m fighting with for the last two years. I still remember when I was starting to create these kinds of games and to be honest I was never prepared that something like this could happen to me. When someone would tell me that from creating adult games I would need treatment after a few years I wouldn’t believe him then, but now it’s different. I now know how much stress this work causes, especially release dates, hate comments, commenting about lack of content, lack of animations, comparing my games to other games, blackmail that if I’ll not add new scenes with this and this character they will stop pledging, and the most shocking, appearing at the front of my house and asking for an update. Fortunately only via intercom so that person couldn't see me.... (This one was the craziest thing that ever happened to me about a year ago, and forced me to move out… I’m now only renting that place.)

I know that some of you call all of this bullshit or that I lie no matter what I say, so I stopped really caring about that because there’s nothing I can do. Generally, I think I shouldn’t care about any of this since the beginning. That’s why I’m usually quiet. Also since my last post, I started doing what my therapist advised me to do. That I should stop reading everything and focus on my life and work normally without any stress and that actually worked. :) Now I’m working on characters I really want and at my own peace without rushing everything just to release it on the planned release date. Unfortunately, it took me some time to heal a little and understand a lot more so I could start working normally again, that’s the main reason for that long wait for the next update.

I also know that I’m not the only one with this problem and after a few years of creating adult games a few more creators that I know started to have some mental illness concerns. I also never really believed fully in what they said at the beginning but I can say that I somehow “grew up” and my opinion on this subject changed.

I also want to point out that it’s not my line of defense to anything that’s happening currently. I know that it’s all my fault and my problem, That’s why I’m always saying in each post that you can stop supporting me any time you want. All of you who were my patrons at any point during this and last year will receive version 1.0 of Milfy City for free as a thank you for the continued support during this difficult time.

Any plans to expand the development team to push out updates faster or push out larger updates?

My opinion changed so ‘yes’ I need help in order to release faster and more efficiently. This is the thing I will be thinking of after finishing Milfy City, so in short, yes, I do have some plans. I know that I can’t be the only person that renders everything.

I think I answered all the most popular questions, but if there’s something you want me to answer please write it in the comments. If this comment gets a lot of hearts I’ll answer it in the next post or in the comments.

Until the next time guys, thank you for your continued support and sorry for this long post! :)




keep up the good work brother. youre renders are absolutely amazing!


Very happy to hear about the progress. But the important thing is your mental health. Please take care of yourself, im so sorry to hear about all that abuse and stalking you've been receiving. I hope you manage to pull through man!


will we ever see milfy city be completely finished I.e characters that we've never interacted with etc in the future maybe?


Jesus finally an update thanks


looks like you are educated enough to type comments but unfortunately not educated enough to read :(


Where's the link to get the lastest update?


As a person who loves milfy city more than you think and love your work! We can wait... Take your time and Take care of your self and your mental health, we are waiting for you. ♥️


Thanks for the update as always take care of yourself watch out for your health and I will as always patiently wait because what you create is well worth the wait.


I really hope we get more updates of the game




You're awesome man! Thanks for the update and keep putting out good content but most importantly do what's best for you!


good too hear your doing well bro , look after yourself


Thanks for the update friend. Don't worry about the degenerates talking shit. This is is adult Game, so the amount of pathetic hateful loses will be more than expected. But don't worry, there are still some of use who are understanding and know this takes time, especially when it's a very small team. Fuck the haters and thank you for a dope ass adult game


You are a gem and no-one on Earth has ever, or will ever, be able to replace YOU. There is only one, unique you. I love your content and am delighted to support in any small way over the past year or two. You keep doing what's best with your awesome skills whenever. Be well ICSTOR and I'll still be around as long as you have a patreon :) Cheers,


I have not given up! I shall forever wait on good content


What the fuck is wrong with people......I mean, I have reservations.....but going to someones house and demand a wank material??...what a fuck is wrong with you, whom ever you are...


Sara is coming! Yes! And Jude! Oh yah!


Looking good!!should be a great update!!!


In milfy city there is a character, Macey. Will there be a story line with her? I would like to see that.


Linda <3


Looking forward to it! Keep your head


I'm glad you're doing better and getting the help that you need. I've been thinking of doing the same. I appreciate the update and love the content you create and the new character looks fantastic! Any chance of getting it set up so we can enlarge the picture though or even download it? They're a little on the small side and I'd love to check out this lighting and these textures more in depth

Samuel E. N. Furlano

Sweet, sweet Caroline. I love that front cover picture. Cannot wait for her and the Celia storylines.


i would have the correct english to say what i say, but i'm sorry for all the bad thing appened about mad people and make your work at best you can do, i think it's repay me, and hope us like me, a lot.


Honestly the games awesome. Any content or lack there if should not maje you feel bad. Your doing great and I hope you find co-workers with the same passion and ideals as you


First of all, your game is super cool, just in case I'm using the google translator. But I was wondering if the games could provide some languages other than English, since it would be nice if many more people could enjoy your games more. I really appreciate your work and hope that your bad moments are resolved and you move on. a hug from a stranger, greetings


All we get is posts like this. Apologies and lies. The last update was 2 years ago for milf city. If this post gets your hopes up, i am sorry to disappoint you but there is a reason he highlighted and mentioned that the update might not make the estimated date. Because it wont. All we have is silence and a “heart warming” post about how he’s mental health is bad every 3 months. Fun fact: instead of these post, the creator can actually make he’s subscriptions stop so the patrons who doesn’t receive any content won’t be billed every month. The reason he doesn’t do that is because he spends the money and he knows he is going to make a sh*tload of money even with trolling and lying like he dose. But back to the topic, this guy didn’t update he’s game for 2 years so to probability of him making language “packs” for the game is quite slim.

John Jimenez

dude, take your time. Ignore the haters, when you do release stuff, its top notch and shouldn't be doubted! Just glad to hear you're ok.


Hey, it’s always sad to hear people go through struggles but its always great to hear people get better from them. I’m happy to support and hope you become happier throughout the year.


Will you be adding the harem route to Milfy City in the future?

Arctic Alpha

Sorry to hear about all the crap bad fans cause. I for one love the game and respect all the work you have done.


Nice to hear from you.


Good to see that you doing well, congrats!


This is the best adult game out!!! Let the haters go watch their cheap animae cartoons, and when MC 1.0 and MK are released, they will come running back!!! Quality takes time, and most of us are patient. I’m glad you are doing better...taking care of yourself should be priority#1 Thanks for the big update and the great content that is MC!!!


Thanks for the update man, love the game and looking forward to 1.0 when it's done.


Really looking forward to more Milfy City content! Please take care of yourself first and foremost, and update us whenever you are capable! No pressure on either seeing as you have already put out so much content!


bro don't stop to update in milfy city because. your game is best and n future your game cross to summertime sage and more other game. before you stop mify city development please take poll.


I love this game, I completely understand your MentalHealth situation, and I’m more than satisfied to hear an update from you no matter how long it takes, thank you and do take care of yourself.


Maybe it's a rather callous position to take however I'm sick of people hiding behind mental illness and using it as a get-out-of-jail-free card whenever they're criticized for a lack of effort. It really is unacceptable to go a year without an update while people are paying to see the development of a project. Plenty of people manage to get out of bed and go to work with more severe mental health issues, seen more than once a bloke try and neck himself the night before and still turn up to work the next day because they didn't want to make us other blokes have to pick up the extra slack. Absolutely sick to death of cunts complaining on Patreon while they're being paid a good wage and just sit around moaning about their mental health when they get asked why they haven't done the work they were supposed to do for that money.


I discoverd this game by change and I love it! So my waiting hasn't been too long for update. But I fully understand your position. That's why I myself have stopped using Social Media. All the not asked for opinions from people. Love the work! Keep it up and I can't wait for the v1.0 Really hope the pregnancy path will be available ;) Messing around without consequences isn't that much fun :D


Imagine making a game so good that people stalk you at your house for updates😯

Rodney D Love

I wish Rainces would say something about Bad Bobby saga.


Then stop pledging, you don't get to harass someone because you're giving money to them. So stop pledging and fuck off.




good to hear from you! take the time you need :)


Thanks for this lengthy update. Please, as always, take care of yourself first!


Someone stalking you at your house... yikes! Some folks *seriously* need to get a grip.


Happy to have an update as always. Take care of yourself. Thanks for the great content


As fellow human with mental illness (depression) i agree. I learned it to giving a shit on peoples opinions and their needs... you do this as a form of art and everything that you dont do with passion will simply fuck up. This is patreon people pay if they like what you do and the way you doing it. If not they are free to move on


I have played your games since milf`s vallia,and the other ones,really had wonderful memeries with them,and that were your games introducing a new world to me.I feel sad about your illness,and now I`m happy hearing good news about your health now.So take good care of yourself, I will support you in the future days,just a way to show my gratitude for bringing so much enjoyable time for me.


Maybe I'm too harsh. But involving personal matters into your business is just unprofessional in my opinion. With that I wish you good mental and physical health. And correct me if I'm wrong, but it was also mentioned that if you were a subscriber at some point in the last year, you'd get the update for free. If you don't like a subscription, click cancel, wish good vibes and walk away. Too much hate in the world.

Pika Power

Taboo option?


i don’t like the look of the new girl in moldy kingdom it’s not as good as moldy city


milfy* lolll


how could i get version 0.7?

human king

I hope u can release the sara lily part first, its really a long time we miss the story of the game :<


:) Lets wait


Hope you all well bro. We all expect you could update more interest and sexy content for us. Don't let us down.


I’m glad to hear everything is going on a more positive direction, but I’m still skeptical. Wish we could’ve just had the original update that was promised. Especially since those characters are completed.


Mental health is a serious matter, but I am glad to hear you are on a better path now and feeling more productive. This game is a masterpiece! Keep it up :)


I'd like to give you a piece of advice,That is to release the original 0.7 content first, so that you and all of us are better off

Jeff Stier

Did you notice? Even your "News" posts are Art... :)


My mind is 🤯 after seeing all this people who think there will be an update to this game😂😂😂😂. Keep supporting guy, he was just in a bad mood for the last 2 years. And keep asking for the 0.7 content, i mean at least it would be quick to download the 0Mb update 😂👍🏻 the man is scamming hard. And this generation acts like this site is a safe place and tries to emotionally support him..... beta males

Krivvin Bailey

Never before have I born witness to such a beta male post as the one above. Truly awe inspiring. You should start a patreon and post nothing but similar gems. Start a diary of the greatest beta male. Good luck, kid.


I have a iPhone 12 and I would like to download the game how do I do that without going through the mega app?


I usually don't post comment here but i pledged for you a long time ago and wasn't aware of all ur issue. No one deserve to be harass or stalked like you've been especially for a game. It's supposed to be fun , people don't realize how long it's take for an indie game developped by one person to be complete.. Anyways you have my support and i hope everything will be okay. The true one will be patient and wait for the game


Does anyone have a link I can go to to play the 0.6e version?


Come on!!I hope you can finish your work soon. I'm looking forward to it


Hope to see more of the main character's mother content, this is to pay attention to you


1.0 is kinda of an official release so im pretty sure 1.0 is when everything will be unlocked and possible since as he said that after 1.0 will take time to do but 1.0 should have harem route because the harem route is with the 3 main females that are will be finished on story so you will have enough stats to have a harem route thats what im guessing, kinda makes sense if its an official release.


Glad you're alive.. Stay healthy..


Just finished your other master piece MILF Villa, must say it is one of the best adult games I ever played! Story was good and graphics were fantastic! I am glad to be one of the patrons, hope you'll keep on the good work and wish you great success!


Oh, will start playing this game hopefully tomorrow


And yes, health is also very important. Maybe best focus on one game only for the time being?


Take all the time you need. The fiends can wait or move on, the real supporters can stay. Good luck and stay safe.


I tried this game for the first time, and I must say the graphics are astonishing and the storyline so erotic!! Well done, and keep it up! Oh, BTW, may I suggest you focus on one game only. In my years of working experience, anyone trying to do multiple projects simultaneously rarely succeeds! I hope it's helpful!


Especially the quality of this game. It's nowhere near wishy washy. I totally agree with it!


Is there a version 0.7 available already?

Kuchiki Byakuya

Any plans to add female voice overs during the sex scenes for the future updates? or will you add voice overs in the new game Milf Kingdom? idk if this was asked before

Dank Memer

that's interesting. it's like being a girl. i suppose those type of men do those kind of things like blackmailing/finding someone's address even if they're a guy. you should definitely be careful of people like that. they're probably rapists if you were a girl, maybe they'd do something not so different since they're still the same person, even if they're heterosexual. maybe not rape but idk, some crazy shit because they're like an animal worse than even many animals. i would've moved out too if it were me.


Sorry em new but can you tell me Where to can i download this games


Could we maybe get an update of the current progress and the ETA you mentioned of late May?


I cant seem to find the most recent update. On your description you mentioned that 1.0 is the current version. I added my pledge to download the latest release, but I already have the latest release? So there hasn't been update since .06e?


I cant wait for the new update, game is amazing !


1.0 isn't out yet. "The date that I can estimate for release is late May 2021, but that date is not certain as I don’t want to disappoint you all if I don't release the game in that estimated time frame but updates will follow if delays will occur."


How likely is the end of May date now?


ICSTOR has so much talent and is a pity that he still not capable to handle the pressure. Also, he still doesn't seem to learn his lesson and keep bitting more that he can chew trying to make big updates of the game. If he does small updates every month, (at least one scene of one girl) he would keep everyone happy and would be less pressure over him. Instead, he rather keeps us on an eternal limbo.


Any update on the new version?


It's may already.. Yay..


everything will be fine, cheer up!


Meaby more scene with stockings? 😈


Update when is coming out?


Is the update still on track for late may?


We will find out soon...




My first time playing the game and I love the pulp fiction reference. True work of art adding that in.


Glad that you're taking better care of yourself man! Really hope you keep doing that, and till Milfy City is fully released, you have my utmost support! Gonna need to have a raincheck on your next release, but odds are I'm still gonna be hanging around for that too, knowing my fetishes... :^)


Any news?


im new where is the most recent update


Please, almost 2 months have passed since the last post, you can tell us how the progress is, to be informed


I hope they get on the ball. I was really enjoying this game.


I don't understand why you don't just give us more builds. It's okay if it's not yet completed but surely you can give us updated versions. People spending money yet they don't get anything in return.


It's about support. You are not guaranteed to get anything in return. That's the risk you take with every person you decide to give money through Patreon.


Are we there yet?!! Are we there yet?!!!🤣😂🤣Are we there yet?!!


Just a simple update would be nice, like "Hey, yes I am still here and working on things" so people don't continue to pay money for months when someone dropped off


This Patreon has turned into groundhogs day for sex addicts.


A half year is gone now. No Content. I think he’s afraid to bring MC to a end. He knows the Payments ending in this Second.


May is almost ending me and everyone is 100% excited to receive news and if came whit the game we are gonna explod


??? Any news?


Doesn't look like it.


Has anyone tried icstor's MILF'S CONTROL 1.0c Rpg? Looks interesting....


"possibly the release date", "don’t take it at face value as a guaranteed date because it is not", "only my estimate", " that date is not certain". Can you people not read?


we can read i just really want to wack my shlong to the new update if and when it comes out


Dude, will you relax, might I suggest the work of Dr. PinkCake, Incenton and ICC creations while you wait?


How about new update ?:)


any news?


Is there a Walkthrough for Milf City?


Any news?


May has come and ALMOST gone!! Status on update would be most appreciated!!


Sooo.... you said late may... well it's the last day of May dude... so what's up? Where's the update


Read the post again, and you will see he said it’s not certain.


You said you’ll notify us if there are any delays… What is going on with the new update!?! We deserve a progress update at the very least


I knew it was going to be delayed, I was at least hoping for a post admitting it though


OK... Now ive been waiting for over 10 months for the new update. Promised for end of May 2021.... and? Nothing happened?


Sry for being so harsh and my bad english (german) but in our country we stay to proposals to our customers... I will not blame u fro your problems but whats a bout professional halp in completing the game ? That could be an option to concentrate on your health and also getting your customers satisfied... that what we do in our business here...


"The date that I can estimate for release is late May 2021, but that date is not certain as I don’t want to disappoint you all if I don't release the game in that estimated time frame but updates will follow if delays will occur" It was never a 100% set date, But lets hope he updates us at least.


Ashbash — Yesterday at 10:03 AM "I've reached out to Icstor for comment and an update so I'm awaiting the plan of action on what we will be posting"


Look on the Date! No Content again!


what happened friend?


In Germany we call it „Betrug und Irreführung“


I think they made a typo and meant late may 2022


I spent a dollar today to see how many people on this thread post-May could convince themselves that a release was still forthcoming. Not my proudest purchase ever...but worth it.


You would think they would have a form letter by now, something like: 1) Excuse/Explanation 2) personal story 3) plan/update 4) date roughly 3 months from update but not solid.


Yeah cuz every time someone names any date. They act like its set in stone and it can never change or they cant read and dont understand what "estimate" means.


Guys, he said, that the Dates are NOT certain...so the delay was predictable!

Miles flac

Post anything.


No hate but you could atleast give us some informations or some previews. Your Patreon Accounts looks so dead and doesnt look like an interesting investment for new people. We really dont care about the release date but please, keep us entertaining. I mean, the story and the characters are so good and we all can wait for the release but posting nothing is a no go. People lose interest or might think the game is dead and you dont work on it anymore so it really is understandable why you lose more and more patreons, I was also thinking about canceling my subscription but I thought "yeah I can wait a few more months, maybe 3 or 4 but if there are no posts in that period of time, I will surely also cancle my membership." Atleast give us a sign of life..


He also said that he would keep us updated... I´m not mad he´s just not really sticking to his word. I`m quite new to this patreon so I don`t know what happenend but apparently this is not the first time either is it?


Knock kncok, are you sitll alive?


So there won't be a android version in the next update?


As usual the problem is the lack of comunication. He never promised the update in materia BUT he could at least tell us something. Now, with over 1000 patron less, he'll post something to rise the hype (and collect more money).

Stefano Barbieri

Guys are you SERIOUSLY questioning and gettin mad cause you pay him 1$/month? Seriously?


$ 1 x 7000 x each month is a lot of money.... for free. No update, no news...


Suggested them to post smaller but frequent updates. No need to wait until everything is completed. NTL (Treasury of Nadia) does that and supporters are quite happy with it. No wonder why their number of supporters doubles ICSTOR's


Whats going on with the new update?


It's one thing to miss a deadline, but not even posting an update is ridiculous. I mean a simple text post doesn't take much time or effort.


Come on dude! You gotta give us something!!!!


Feel the same way as you do bro


" updates will follow if delays will occur." riiiiiiiiiiiight


When was the last update.. its been forever sence i have seen anything.. I just want to see more.. :)

Ryo Akashi

Wew ICSTOR was great, he can set the crowd, i mean that's okay if u unsubscribe him now until he has no one patron, but the amazing thing is when he posts something, of course people come back to subscribe him again, so the point is no matter u support him or nah, it's doesn't matter for him, as we can see this game can even compete with being a dik, which is being a dik still give to his patron news every week. lol😂😂😂


just grab the game for free somewhere when he finally releases update, don't give him any more money. he should take responsibility and stop taking money until game is complete, he has been paid waaaay to much,


I'm sad that Milfy City and interactions with Linda will come to an end, but that new main MILF is cetainly a worthy candidate for the new upcoming project.


How about a status report? Some teasers if you're not going to update anytime soon !!


So May 2021, uh ?


I hope some update the truth ♥ ️ ♥ ️


Looking forward to an update keep up, the good work.


This dude is gonna go crazy when someone actually knock on his door with a gun in hand asking for the final version.


This is why I suggested he give us smaller updates instead of waiting for everything to be completed. As far as know, the creators who provide smaller frequent updates have very few complaints. One another who is doing the same as ICSTOR got bombarded with complaints and loss of supporters. Maybe one should work SMART not HARD?


In all honesty, i dont give 2 fucks about the when of the update, but more on the lack of COMMUNICATION, or the lack of INTERACTION with his patreons. drop teaser pictures, drop polls, something. Keep your fans engaged.


16 days past estimated deadline and not even a word. Come on, delays are acceptable but lack of communication is inexcusable.


Can’t help but laugh about this dumpster fire. At this point I just stay to occasionally check in for the comedy of the comment section. Cheaper than a movie.


Wonder whether this delay is caused by internal human resource problems?


mi a helyzet? sehol semmi what's up? nowhere


Why I lost access to comment in discord, Just because I asked to post some update to keep us updated.


Wait a few minutes and they will delete this one too!!! Been there!


Another pair of questions: will be Judy and Sidra get fucked? What about pregnancy subject (for now Caroline, but maybe also the other characters)? As for the promised update, given that ICSTOR promised the update in May and we are at the end of June (about to enter summer), I do not expect the update before September. However, if it comes sooner, so much the better. In any case, it seems it's a matter of patience... :-/


its 2 month ago and i finished the entire linda path. did i miss it somehow or was the part not included where you have her in the bedroom next to bob?