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Warning: extremely graphic cartoonish violence in this one – not like anything else I've made before so be warned, it contains a superpowered futa killing people with her cock.

I've always made a point to avoid glorifying or sexualizing violence in my art, so it's a bit uncomfortable for me to share this one. I apologize if it's not your cup of tea.

I decided to censor it for posting here because of Patreon's rules about violence, if you want to see the uncensored pages just send me a message here on Patreon or over on Discord at Rook Errant#7112 and I'll give you a link to the uncensored pages.

When I started drawing this comic, I had some time to kill and no access to the internet or my usual drawing tools, and I felt it would be impossible to make something really good, because nothing I sketch on paper can possibly measure up to the quality I can get from my digital tools.

So instead... I chose to draw something I normally wouldn't be able to share on Patreon – as a way to stop worrying so much about the visual quality and consistency of every image. Getting hung up on perfectionism is what usually stalls my momentum with comic projects. That and scope creep.

The whole time I was drawing this, I thought I was never going to show it to anyone, so I really let loose drawing fast and messy... and bloody. I think I needed to work through some negative emotions...

Anyway, after I had 11 pages penciled out I started feeling guilty about NOT sharing it with you guys.

So here it is in a somewhat censored form...

enjoy? (´ ͡༎ຶ  ͜ʖ  ͡༎ຶ )

I couldn't get good scans with my old flatbed scanner because of the thin paper and faint pencils, so these pics were taken with my phone camera, best I could do under the circumstances.

Cover Page

The premise of this comic is a dystopian future world where super powerful futas dispense justice to criminals on a live reality TV show, as a form of fear propaganda and pornographic entertainment.

Sorta like something that could happen in the universe of The Boys comic or show – if unscrupulous supes actually took over the world.

It was also inspired by a short story called "Utopia" I read many years ago on the FutanariPalace Forums that has long since disappeared, in case any of you denizens of the old net recognize that deep cut.

To keep things morally ambiguous let's just say this futa is considered a "superhero" and these guys know they deserve every ounce of the beatdown she's about to unleash on them.

page 1

page 2

page 3

page 4 (censored - here's where it starts getting brutal... I mean aside from the door kick on page 1)

page 5

page 6

page 7

page 8

page 9

page 10 (after finishing with the first room, she gets a shower from a hovering hygiene drone, then bursts into a neighboring warehouse to find her next target)

page 11

Had a few more pages in mind, but I think this is quite enough of a rampage for her first adventure.

I experimented a bit with adding simple digital grayscale shading and background fills to one page:

testing out black, white, and red coloring:

partially colored page 9:

okay thanks for indulging my exploration of something darker – that's out of my system... for now...

time for something completely different •ᴗ•



Jason White

I’m glad you shared. I really love this concept.


I like the pencil drawings. I have always enjoyed line art and comics pre color!


Brutal for my pallete. But im happy to see you doing comics again. Dont apoligize for your art. She doesnt exist nor do those men. Read it in reverse she is healing brutally mangled men with her ultra powered penis. Art is not always suppose to be predictable. Carry on rook.


Really loving this comic