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Recently had to spend a couple days without Internet or my usual tools for making art, so I took the opportunity to draw with pencil and paper again! Been a few years since I’ve done that.

started with a few faces for warmups, takes a little adjusting getting used to not having an undo button!

pencil sketch:

I photocopied my pencil sketch onto glossy printer paper to be able to blend markers on it, thin paper would bleed too much.

better pic (still just my phone camera):

I kinda fucked it up with too much shading:

I liked the lighter version better -_-

helps me appreciate digital tools even more!

P.S. I also penciled a little superfuta comic this week… maybe will ink it digitally if you guys like it, I’ll start sharing the pencil pages as soon as I get them scanned.



davyd chapman-comb

These look great Rook, got lost in her eyes almost dont notice a huge cock.


Great look


Very nice body on her