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I've been following Ayanamifan for about 10 years now on DeviantArt, and have been continually inspired by his progress with stylizing hyper-detailed musculature combined with cute pinup art.

I was excited to finally meet him on Discord last week! He's joined my server and we've multi-streamed our drawing sessions a few times the past week. Here's a link to join the discord server if you haven't yet: discord.gg/mcRJq2U.

Aya's newest OC Robin is a buff and bookish nerd who presumably puts her smarts to use developing a hyper-muscular body.

I exaggerated her size a lot here in the name of experimentation, but I'm already working on a 2nd version of her with a pretty different shape. I'm fairly happy with how this one turned out, but I like the next one even more!

Here are some WIP snapshots of the process...

Starter sketch:

Cleaned up lines:

3 differet layers of highlights: soft, hard, and reflected:

2 layers of shadows, soft, hard, and then combined together:

Now the highlights and shadows combined:

Full color (transparent png attached)

I'm trying to put more effort into backgrounds:

The final pumped post-workout selfie:



davyd chapman-comb

Wow she looks AMAZING, AYA will be pleased Robin is such a unit dont forget super strong too she can max lift about 3.5 Tonnes and as for pumping up her size, I imagine she will get that big inn due course.