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Thank you all for sticking with me through this dry spell of a couple weeks without anything new to post. I'm happy to report the situation that's been keeping me away from Patreon has been resolved, and I'm ready to dive back into art and writing again! You can expect to see regular posts every few days as I get back into the swing of things.

I'll share more details about upcoming content soon, but for now I'm working on a set of 4 new black and white pictures for April (since we're halfway through the month I'm trying to set some reasonable goals that leave me with enough time to get caught up on last month's unfinished pieces). I'm aiming to alternate mixing the new sketches in with finishing off WIPs, so there should be something new posted every couple of days.

To start with, here's a new sketch of Thessaly Thornblush, created for a character sheet that shows her from the front and back (like Pendulum's). Her front pose is still in the works, but I figured I'd post what I have so far: a version with her cloak pulled tight across her bum, and another version with her back bared, rippling with muscle:

Don't worry about the lack of visible futa on this one... her front pose will more than make up for it! Can't wait to get to work on that one!



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