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Here's a profile of Penelope Bigwood, the first in a set of character sheets of the main cast of my ongoing webcomic Futa's Bounty. Still planning to add color to this, and some stat text in the middle showing height/weight/girth etc in the color version. 

I know my posting has slowed down a lot this month, though I've still been working on something for this Patreon almost every day, either upcoming art, stories, audio, or comics.

I try my best not to post about personal setbacks that are affecting my art, but this time might have to be an exception...

Edit: The original post contained more detail about the family drama that was keeping me away from posting here for a while. I wanted to give you guys an honest explanation of why I needed to step away, and prioritize sorting out the situation, but now that it's settled and I'm back to work here, I decided to remove some personal details from this post so as not to bring anyone down with unnecessary feels. I'm happy to say things are pretty well resolved now, and everyone involved ended up better off than before. Thanks for all the messages and support, each one meant a lot and helped get me through a tough time, I appreciate you folks more than you know!

It’s very therapeutic for me to work on this art and I really appreciate having this Patreon as a creative outlet, thanks to all of your support. It means a lot to me to be able to keep this project going and preserve some sense of normality during a stressful time, so thank you for sticking with me!



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