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Damn Rangers, you did incredible with the first round of creating Ranger Girl's villains! WearWolf (makes me chuckle every time), Lady Petitmort (that's a truly witty one, amazing!) and, of course, Shibari Samurai! That's naming only a few. Now everybody has seen the kind of The Tick style silly tone we're aiming for, I'm looking forward to even more hilarious and creative rogues to join the gallery!

Big shout outs to Rangers FantasyPencil and Jaded Entity for coming up with the little story behind this scene and the name of the restaurant! There's no written story to accompany this one, despite generous offers from some of the gang - I think it's best for us all to put some more time into creating the character before giving her a definitive "voice".

AHMT #138 and AFLF #06 sketches coming your way tomorrow (we're currently sitting at 86% of the milestone to get AFLF every week) - Adventures of Alynnya Slatefire Issue 09 continues Wednesday - polls on Thursday - AFLF #05 on Friday.





oh don't you worry about more rogues, got plenty ideas I can offer up!


Trending indeed!