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Damn Rangers, you did incredible with the first round of creating Ranger Girl's villains! WearWolf (makes me chuckle every time), Lady Petitmort (that's a truly witty one, amazing!) and, of course, Shibari Samurai! That's naming only a few. Now everybody has seen the kind of The Tick style silly tone we're aiming for, I'm looking forward to even more hilarious and creative rogues to join the gallery!

AHMT #138 and AFLF #06 sketches coming your way tomorrow (we're currently sitting at 86% of the milestone to get AFLF every week) - Adventures of Alynnya Slatefire Issue 09 continues Wednesday - polls on Thursday - AFLF #05 on Friday.





Love the slice n dice effects! Definitely need to find more excuses for a torn clothes look. The rope designs here are fantastic, crazy amount of detail. This one turned out awesome for sure.