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Sup gang!

Well, as the perpetually dancing Ron Swanson and the post title may suggest, my Little Witcher join the world today and I am literally over the moon about it! Mrs Wife and Little Witcher are both doing well and spending a couple of nights at the hospital to recover from the 68 hours it took for the awesomeness to happen. Yup, you read that right, from beginning to end, it took 68 hours which is incidentally, around the amount of time it takes to complete Witcher 3 (if you don't do the DLC and some side questing)

I've got lots of content to post for y'alls all ready to go, however, The Swallow and The Amazons pages will have to be drawn at the end of the month (all 3) and AHMT and Banner Aly will have to take a break for a couple of weeks. I do have unreleased pics to cover those days so never fear, your old pal CMP won't leave ya hanging!

Time for me to eat and then sleep. Lots of both!





Congratulations, CMP!