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It's the first time I'm releasing a patch on a Sunday, but well, in a few hours it will be done. I could release it now since I have completed the 4 m/m sub scenes. I want to make the other 4 cross/sissy scenes. The update also includes a new variable for future patches and now I will say it, SPOILER ALERT: the new variable is protection favors with the black gang... because this is how it is... as you have seen, Vito's minions assault you, the shaved man assaults you. What would you think about having another option where one of your black studs could save you? Well, that's what it's about. I'm taking longer on this patch because of this variable... and because... my shoulder is, well, cracked, so to speak, and the medication they've given me makes me very drowsy. But don't worry, you'll have the patch today. Sorry for the delay. The good thing about all this is that with this patch, I've already paved the way for next week in terms of scenes.