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Just like last week, you can expect the same variations of scenes, but there will be 4 M/M sub interracial scenes located in the backyard and 4 sissy/cross scenes in the same area when your femininity is 30 or higher. So, that's 8 variable and repetitive scenes. This is my priority for the week... and to make a brief introduction. The idea is... that you have succumbed in the showers and on the basketball court to the prisoner from the showers. SPOILER ALERT -> this character has actually been making money off you for several updates, but you didn't know it, or maybe you did... XD. With these scenes, the path this route is taking is to enable a tattoo room and introduce the character of Tyron... so if this gets a good response, next month... regardless of the poll results, we'll start seeing a new location and more characters. Regarding the gifs/scenes... I'll try to make them "Public Sex." If any scene needs to be changed, you know, to match and not lose the "setting," I'll do so. If worse comes to worst and I can't find gifs or have to make them myself like other times, I will. That's all to add; I hope you like the update because I'm starting to make it... RIGHT NOW!



Okay Alright, my shoulder is in a better position now. The patch will be ready in 8 hours; I'm halfway done... most likely, the saved data won't work because I'm going to add another variable. In the changelog for this patch, I'll put a spoiler alert explaining why... I think you'll love the idea.